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My friendships never last. They always die out. I can't work out why.

I am always nice and sweet, giving and caring.


At the moment i have a female friend and we have been going out dancing for a year. I am feeling annoyed at her but she doesn't know. But i suspect the friendship won't last much longer.



We have had these great conversations where we talk about men and which ones we would like in bed and how we want someone special in our lives.


But I have heard her tell people how hard up she is for sex and how she is in a drought (of no sex). I used to find this amusing but she is now bringing my name into it and i find it extemely embarrassing.


She also is envious of me cause I make more money than her ($10 000) more a year. I feel she rubs this in and I don't like it. She makes comments about how I can afford this and that and she can't.


I feel that she is jealous too cause I'm also much more attractive that her. I am 38 and she is 33.


It has been annoying me now for a couple of weeks and I can't sleep well because of it. I thought about telling her but am afraid I may end up abusing her and then the friendship would most probably be over.


Also, i look at other people in my life (like sisters, work associates) and they have a heap of friends and yet I don't. What is wrong with me???


I am that way now that I don't trust everyone and people don't really care about it.


Man, I'm starting to feel that I'm going nuts.


All I want in life is to be happy and have a wonderful relationship with a man and have friends. I don't feel I am asking much at all and yet these things get further and further away from me.


Can anyone help me please? Also, does anyone have any good affirmatins for keeping friends, loving, caring friends in my life.


Thanks so much,

I really would appreciate some replys?



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  • 2 months later...

Well, I am sorry i can't offer anyhelp because I have a similar problem. Any real friend I have seems to begone in two years. This has happen about 3 times now. After about 2 years of knowing them I drift apart from them. I made friends with this girl (which I kind of like too) and I told her about this problem. She said we would always be friends (and maybe more), but it only took five days for her to push me aside for someone else. I told her that we would see in one more year, because that will make our friendship 2 years old.

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