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Who are we, consumer society's adepts?


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As long as humanity stands, there will be questions to be asked.


I, as another human being, while having both a soul and an animal nature, will hesitate. Yes, hesitation is inevitable. It is just our fate, since we divided and separated ourselves from our mother nature.


Logic is a human creation. Sure. It is now clear that it is not perfect. Many times people have to learn that they mistake something they see for something it is. Einstein showed us, gave us a little hint about our selfish and shortsighted ideas - we mistake often. Time and space are of one nature, world is 4D, energy and mass are two side of one thing.


Now I come to a though that action and thought are two sides of one thing. I can influence my mind by actions and vice versa. No, that's not entirely exact, but words escape me, as I try to put it rather clear.


What is your idea - "be happy with what you have". Yeah, you would say soon - "everyone deserves his own", and know what? That was written in all nazi's bases, where SOME people were thought of inferior and thereforeeee subject to inhuman experiments and such.


No, we are equal, and no need to prove that either. It is an axiom.


I can be not very well dressed, poor, or sick, or anything else, but not without my own self. Yes, i don't really have anything. Nothing belong to anyone, truly. Sometimes not even your body in case of a slave (either real, ancient slaves or modern slaves of 'common sense' and 'political correctness' and 'consumers socety's idol - the big golden bull - the money). My mind is what I own, and it is the most valuable thing I have.


I often think - you care so much about proteins in vitamins in your food, about cleanness of your shoes, hairstyle etc. But you don't care nothing about your mind - foolishly poison it with mass-production media, weird and false ideas of other sick minds. You live a blind life, from month salary to salary, just to spend it on increasing effectiveness of that, trapped forever in this endless loop of consumer's philosophy. Yes, you try to cheat yourself with your sport club and travelling, computer games, interest societies, post modern dead poetry, pop music and movies... as soulless entertainment as it is.


Who am I, a flea? Or a proud human? Can I? Will I? Shall I? May I?

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I don't care for media any more because of that biased, unfair point of view and all you hear about is people dying, bomb blasts and starving children.


I no longer watch the news because of this. Humans no longer are human, and they don't see themselves as belonging to the same race any more...this is where we need to change...


We as people need to remember who we are and where we came from, and nodt just have pride in ourselves, but also in that of other people...


People don't even see themselves as been just one of the many millions of species that live on this planet.. and this is part of the problem. People don't take time to realise how lucky they are to be alive..


How often do you come home and night and sit outside and look at the stars? Most people go inside, turn on their tv or computers, or read a book. No one enjoys the simple things anymore.. and I think they should!

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Think when you said "thank you" last time from your heart. Not as a sandart phrase, but simplyy from what you wanted to say.

Think when you helped someone last time. Not when someone watches it to to show you're good, or because you wait for something in return. Simply because you felt you can do someone something good.

hink when you made some work last time. Not because of payment, or necessity. Not to show off your skills ans strength. Simply to make surroundings better, and improve life in its process.

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Think when you said "thank you" last time from your heart. Not as a sandart phrase, but simplyy from what you wanted to say.

Think when you helped someone last time. Not when someone watches it to to show you're good, or because you wait for something in return. Simply because you felt you can do someone something good.

hink when you made some work last time. Not because of payment, or necessity. Not to show off your skills ans strength. Simply to make surroundings better, and improve life in its process.


I'm just back from the doctors - my friend came with me because she didn't see it right I went alone. I said Thank you - and meant it.


I come on here everyday to help people. I don't do it because it makes me look good. No one here really knows me so looking good doesn't matter.


Does that count?

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Welecome to the new world. To many people listen to the media and want to fit in. Some times people view me as an outcast becuase I don't buy into the latest and greatest thing out there. Heck I plan on buying a rotary telephone becuase it is simple and most people under the age of 40 would probably not know how to use it.


This brings me to my next point. We as humans have become lazy and let technology take over our lives. Look around you and see how much techology is taking over. Pratically everywhere you look something is operated by a computer or a computer like device.

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This brings me to my next point. We as humans have become lazy and let technology take over our lives. Look around you and see how much techology is taking over. Pratically everywhere you look something is operated by a computer or a computer like device


Is that necessarily a bad thing?

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This brings me to my next point. We as humans have become lazy and let technology take over our lives. Look around you and see how much techology is taking over. Pratically everywhere you look something is operated by a computer or a computer like device


Is that necessarily a bad thing?


I think you answered your own question:


And it's technology that will, more than likely, eventually end us all.
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This brings me to my next point. We as humans have become lazy and let technology take over our lives. Look around you and see how much techology is taking over. Pratically everywhere you look something is operated by a computer or a computer like device


Is that necessarily a bad thing?


I think you answered your own question:


And it's technology that will, more than likely, eventually end us all.


LOL, well spotted.

No one answered my question - so I had to do it myself

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200 years is nothing, really...


Perhaps, most of you are Americans (I'm not) so you can't imagine greater historical measures. (Oh, it is a whole different thing about artificial country, machinated society and engineered conscience - I'll speak later on that matter. Shortly - natural evolution is longer than human creation, but more stable).


You see, your mistake was that THIS kind of modern thinking is new - it is 18-19 century, and historically it was recent. Great industrrial revolution caused it. Yet before there was no reliance on technology. It was, but it was different - AND I MEAN no the insignificant details, or outlook, or something - I mean the most important - THE THINKING TYPE. How do you answer most global questions - who are you? why are you? what is your goal and purpose? what you believe?


I speak of anceient type of thinking, medieval, renessance period, ...

It si very sad that modern people are so ovrwhelmed by so-called "realism" that they can't think more globally.

Yes, I see that many misinterpet idea simply because their own mind recognises ONLY several selected and suited for them aspects.

Do you now who Freud was? Do you think you really understand him? It is such a profanation, that's going on now. Sad.

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Anyone that's reading this that is not farmiliar with Sigmund Freud, should really go out and buy some essential books; such as:

Civilization and Its Discontents,

The Ego and the Id,

The Psychopatholog of Everyday Life etc.


If you read it with an open mind, it could change the way you think.


I agree with that, Iori.

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