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need suggestions/advice

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So basically, here's the situation:


There's this girl who I was interested in towards the beginning of the year. This is the one who I found out was only interested in being friends. I've been sitting next to her in the two classes we have together and sitting/talking with her a little during the break we have in the middle of one of those classes. She occasionally is the one who says 'hi' first and has even sometimes asked questions about me. We've met for a study sessions for a class twice. Both times I sat on the same side of the table we were using as she was. This last time, our knees touched for about a minute or two. We even have very rough plans to get some people together after break one day to make dinner.


Here's the deal: I know I got to be cool about it and really just be casual/friendly. I don't wan't to fall in love with her though. Is it possible to appreciate her company and still think of her as cute and remain cool and collected as a friend?

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y dunt u want to get into a relation ship with her...just curious


Oh, It is she who just wants to be friends. I wouldn't mind being in a relationship with her but I'm confident her "only friends" stance hasn't changed from before. Where I'm coming from, I'm open to whatever anyone else is open for; if that's jjust friends, than it's just friends. if it's something more than it's something more.....


Besides, there's this girl who is in one of my classes who I spent a good deal of time with the other day both on the bus to the airport and in the airport waiting for our flights. We seemed to have some nice convos and when I suggested that maybe we could have coffee together sometime after break, she said 'I'd would love to' in a genuinely interested tone. This doesn''t mean I'm going to stop talking with the girl in question above, rather, I'm just going to see how things play out, keep my options open you know...



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Ah..ur guess ur doing rite...since ur sure she just wants to be friends..i think u shld stop there...U already got smone else to look up to rite..the girl u met on the airport?..Nothing wrong in wat ur thinking...Go for it..at the same time..remain good frnds with the girl in question..Yeah ur rite about keeping ur options open..but really..be sure of what u wont..to be precise..be sure of "whu" u want...

Hope this helps

Good luck..Have Fun

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