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what's the difference

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How can one tell the difference between a girl just being friendly and when she might actually be interested? I don't have any classes with her or anything. In fact, I met her at a dance when she came up to me and asked my name. When she's seen me around campus, usually she's been the one to say hi and smile first. This question is general and does not necessarily only apply to this situation. I'm just wondering if there are any signs that can help me delineate between a girl who's really extroverted and one who might be interested.



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It's hard to tell! You'll really have to get the nerve up to ask! But not just anyone that smiles in your direction.


Many women are shyer than men and aren't going to ask you out, touch you or follow you around. So, it becomes precarious to determine interest level. Some women are just polite and nice and don't know how to NOT show interest.


Sorry, this isn't encouraging! I know!


But when a woman is brave enough to approach you, it makes it easier for you to follow through by asking her out for something simple, coffee or ice cream, for example.

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Before you set yourself up to be hurt(and you might) just assume shes really friendly. That is the best, and really, the only way to go at it. Dont get attached to her at if you THINK she likes you. Ask her to go on a date, if she says no, then you will know she is just a "overly" nice person. Hope this helps.

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Before you set yourself up to be hurt(and you might) just assume shes really friendly.


Well, I'm not on track for that because I learned a good lesson last year. That is to say, I don't get "one-osis" and fall in love with any girl who gives me the time of day. I suppose its just that I don't want to miss any signals. I might ask her to have coffee or something after the week-long break.


As an aside, I'm really enjoying being friends with this one girl who I was interested in towards the beginning of the school year. I'm actually glad I was able to just be a friend. We've gotten together to study twice and she came over once to have me look over one of her papers. I won't deny that I still think she's cute, but alls I'm being is a friend. I occasionally sit at the table she sits at meals and I have a tentative plan to get together with her and some other people to make sunday dinner sometime. So, things are going nicely I suppose.



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