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He shakes


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I was wondering to know why my bf's legs always shake when i'm doing him a blowjob. First of all i wouldn't say it's from excitment/nervousness nor orgasm (he wasn't close to it by that time) and that is confirmed each time i just start palying with it out of fun not specificlly to make him go crazy or plan something to happen, sometimes i even know the ways to put him to sleep with it (so he can be very relaxed), but as he's holding his legs spread and folded in knees after some time they would start to shake - firt just a bit, just vibrating, and then getting more and more to the point they would shake violently and uncontrolable(and i will repeat he wasn't even close to orgasm and he wasn't nervous, coz it happened each time i do it and we are together for 2 years!!!). He or I would have to hold them to stop from shaking, otherwise they would be just shaking all over the place (i can't do it always since i'm doing the blowjob so not in a possition to constantly hold the weight of his legs on my arms).

Does anyone can please tell me what the shakes means? Any wild guess would help clear it....


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I think it may be the excess adrenline. I know that when i was younger, the first time I got my hand in to the pants of a girl when sitting down my leg shaked. It was the excitment. The adrenline is making the body want to move, hence the shaking.

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Thank u all for ur replies....i guess it must be the long time in one position, i think i would aim for that.....

but just one more question...when he's standing on his knees (on the bed) it's also something that gets his legs shaky in that position....does anyone have the same problem?

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hi, I have a possible answer that may seem farfetched however i actually have gone through the same thing.


when my girlfriend gives me a blowjob, or a handjob my legs will start to shake. however i do have some level of control on it. i can stop and uncontrollably they start up again. Now i think the adrenaline may be most of it. however for me i literally feel cold. to best explain its like getting shivers. i am very excited and i do think that has a lot to with it but i am also cold. usually i am naked or at least my pants off. usually in bed without covers or sheets covering any part of my body. i like to keep the room very cool. i always have a fan on high. it could possibly be that he is very cold and starts to shake.


however, you said he shakes violently. i have never done that. i do have some level of control over my legs. so that part may all be the excitement and adrenaline. but from my past experiences i have shaken several times and i feel cold. sometimes if i cover parts of my body up or turn the fan down, I feel a little better. i know it sounds kind of stupid, but it happens to me. another thing, have you talked to him about this? What does he say the reason behind his leg shaking is?

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Well i didn't ask him anything, but your post gave me a hint....it could be if he feels cold or being in one position too long....do ur legs shake when u are standing on your knees? coz his does...maybe it's just muscle weakness?

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No, my legs don't shake on my knees. for me its not muscle weakness. I am not using too much muscle at all. It could be muscle weakness for him on his knees. To me it doesn't seem probable. Unless he is trying to balance you on his knees maybe. otherwise I am not sure. you could casually talk to him about it. I would not point fingers and say what the hell are you doing. But just casually ask him if he is alright and go from there with it.

Good Luck

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