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Well, my grandfather passed away on Saturday. It's sad, because I loved him, but this is the first time someone close to me has died. I know that more of family will eventually die. It's inevitable. I'm deterimened though to move on. I know if I remember him, then he'll always be immortal. It will take some time though. I feel empty, but nontheless inspired. I have a future, and now all I have is the past of him. Life sure is interesting...

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I feel you pain, I am sorry for you loss, I had the same thing happen to me around the same age as you, my grandpa died. It was very hard for me too, but now I rarely think about that he is gone. I still miss him, but I think about all the good things he did for me, he taught me to ride a bike, he would always buy us candies, etc.


I think it is just like a break up, at first you can't imagine you life without them being there, then one day all you remember is the good times, and all the good things that they brought into your life.


Death is not the end of life, it is just a change in the way you live. Nothing good can ever truly die.

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Death hurts! We have to moarn the loss but be brave enough to not let it consume us. I am happy to hear that you were close with your grandfather, and I am sorry he has passed away.


He will be immortal. My grandfather is. Would you know that my father is so similar to my grandfather. Now, I dont have but a handful of memories of my grandfather - but I distinctly can remember his personality in all occasions.


It recently occurred to me, that my children will have the same memories of their grandpa (my father) as i have about my grandpa. My dad has taken on a bit of my grandfather's spirit, so even my kids who will have never seen my grandpa once will still see his spirit through my dad.


Your grandfather will live on through you, and that is a beautiful thing. Keep the circle alive by being a great person - and when you die your grandchildren will keep a part of your spirit.

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