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She says she needs "More excitement"


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Well, after having sex, we both talked. She told me, that she wants to try something new together as a couple. I was open ears. We talked about toys, and also about role playing, but we have done most of that. To my surprise, she says.... "baby, I always wanted to have another girl touch me while I touch you." My mouth dropped. She actually wants to have a 3 some. 2 girls and one guy (me) of course. Then, she asked me howd I feel about 2 guys and one girl (her). Meaning that I have to find one of my friends. She says she wants that old feeling (the hunt) back. She wants to touch someone for the first time. And explore someone elses body. I asked her out of all of my friends, which one would you like to participate if I asked them.... She said immediately... My friend James. Who has met her once. Yeah, hes good looking but it just hurt to know that she wants one of my friends to screw her. I said, wouldnt that b e alittle disturbing to know that my girlfriends moaning in pleasure because m,y friend is pounding her? She said the same with another woman and me. So we both are like confused now. She says she doesnt know what she wants. Well, earlier this morning.....we were talking and somewhere along the conversation she said that "its boring" It really hurt and now I think that all she wants is another dick. And the whole first time thing. Well, guys like me who care about a woman and give her everything only come around very seldom...so if thats what she wants...even though she wont admit it...what should I do?

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Every now and again I'd surprise my gf with a candlelight bath. It's nothing too fancy but it really get them in the mood for some reason. Then I'll come in half way and wash her back for her. We'll get kissing in the tub and she'll start rubbing me and such.


After we get out I immediately "test her waters" so to speak and if she's ready to go I heave her up and carry her to the bed while I'm inside her. Kissing her all the way to the bed adds to her excitement.


When we get there I only put it in a little bit... a tiny bit maybe just the head. Meanwhile I kiss her and caress her body and maybe even play with her clit.


She'll try to force me inside but I won't let her. Eventually when I'm sure she couldn't get any more aggressive about it I let her have it. According to her it feels bigger and wider if I do this... it's not bigger it's just she's so tense. I'll go through all our favorite positions and finally let her on top. By now she's just aching for it. After she comes a few times she relax and I'll just hold her. If I feel like it I come... but usually at this point I've had my fun.


If you do all this and she still calls sex boring... get some sex toys... try anal do something... sex isn't boring... and it should never be called that ever.


Hope this helps.

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Wow>. I Say That Alot, Um I Guess Your Girlfriend Is Extremely Open About Her Love For You. But She Also Has A Freaky Side. In A Good Way. She Wants To Do More In The Bed. More People. Either A Girl Or A Guy But This James "cat" I Guess The Question Comes Up Would He Be Cool With It..? Exploring Someone Else's Body Would I Figure Bring New And Exciting Experience Into The "sex" Itself, Ahh I'm Still A Virgin. So I Would Have To Say "why The Hell Not." Lol If Your Cool Watching Her Having Sex With A Best Friend Then All Gravy. I Would Hope To God Your Cool With Another Girl In Bed With You 2, I Mean Come On Man. How Many Girls Except That As Being A Option. I've Read A Poll On The Internet Dealing Directly With Girls Between The Ages Of 18-35 It Posted --( Are You Or Would You Be Comfortable With Sleeping With Another Girl, While With Your Current Partner)-- The Results Shocked Me Over 88% Of The Girls Who Voted In This Poll Voted 'yes" Or Considered It. Now The Interesting Thing Was There Was Another Poll Saying --( Have Your Ever Thought Of Another Girl. In A Fantasy Of Yours Or Had A Sexual Experience With Another Girl Already.)-- I Believe The Percentage Stood At Just Shy Of 90%. So I Would Assume Most Girls In General.


[ Think About Having Another Girl In Bed With There Man ]


(Or) [ Have Already Had A Sexual Relationship With Another Girl ]


Overall man i would comply with whats she is offering "Go for it you only live one time"

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Lots of great advice im getting so far on this subject. We have done role playing. One time she dressed up in a skimpy skirt and wore glasses and put her hair up in pig tails like a school girl. Then she did the aggressive cheetah and wore a cheetah thong and painted whiskers on her face. It was really fun. Ive done the Elvis impersonator, and a policeman. Im running out of ideas but I have some coming to me. I havent ever blindfolded her yet. I read in an article that if you blindfold each other before having sex, you have to go by the sense and touch as far as making love goes. and you cant see what your doing so it makes it 10 times better to go by feel. I am alittle nervous about the 2 guys and my girlfriend. I mean, yeah it would be awesome to see her enjoy it....but at the same time...I would be scared that maybee she would like him too much. So it would have to be a one timer thing, you know what Im saying? Just once and thats it.


Well, Im totally cool with the 2 woman and me idea. That is like every guys fantasy. But then again, she says she never has touched a woman. She says shes not Bi sexual and shes not lesbian.....but she is just curious. So, shes alittle iffy about the whole thing. We have the right girl to do it. Shes Bi and she would probably say "yes" to it if we went up to her as a couplle and explained to her that we wanted to try something new with each other and we needed an extra person. Im just hoping my lady says yes.

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Ok well first you have already had great advice so mine is a litte off topic maybe.......you sound quite excited and happy about having a three way with two girls, but then you get hurt by her saying she may want another man? whoa....talk about one sided here. Actually it just makes me think you are a tad selfish and insecure so why even talk about doing it? You need to be very stable in a realtionship to have something like that not ruin what you have. Talking is great, but the act of doing will bring feelings you never thought of...and not in a good way.

And then, if you do decide to bring in a thrid party, do not bring in a friend. please. this could cause strain on so many levels.

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Your in the bag, Just seal the Deal


I see your point tin thinking that if she has sex with this JAMES guy. she would like it more than what you can offer to her on a pleasure stand point.


point taken....if she loves you unconditionally than that shouldn't be a problem. the girl idea thow. i must say or agree with you directly that It is every guys fantasy to have 2 or more girls. Or most of them any ways, think that would be FUN* i know i wouldn't mind it. Hell Who wouldn't (guys)


Your in such a good spot, don't mess this up.


Letting her sleep with this James....ahh hard decision I'm sure. it would be for me as well. your Call on this one. i can't really Speak for you nor should i attempt to, But i keep thinking about the girl thing to tell you the truth. Be like a Male Whore i think would be the correct term. (laughing) that was a joke... Any ways if you decide to follow threw with the GUY idea. just think of the Outcome for you. "YOUR GOING TO BE WITH ANOTHER GIRL" keep that in mind, stay open minded. Like i said Your Set..!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The earlier post was correct, if you do not feel comfortable with the idea of her and another man, well then you should not feel comfortable with the idea of two women! Believe me, from experience, you have NO IDEA what kind of feelings you may have AFTER the fact, and of course that is too late to change it. You need to find different things to do between yourselves, not involving others. And PLEASE do not involve a friend or even aquaintance in a threesome, BAD IDEA! Every single time you see that person, you will be reminded, and so will she, and that is when the negative/jealousy feelings will arise. I know you are thinking with the smaller cranium when you think about the threesome with the girls, but believe me, the fantasy is MUCH BETTER than the reality! Go to an adult bookstore together, get some movies or toys, get one of those kits to make a false male member exact replica of yourself, and use that while you are having sex, there are better things to try than something that is almost garunteed to cause you more pain and suffering, like a threesome will!

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