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It's amazing how time flies in life

Double J

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This is basically a post of reflection, but I'd like people to comment on it. I look at myself now, 2 years away from getting my bachelors degree, and I can't believe how time has flown by in my life. Where did time go? Seems like yesterday that I was on my bed doing homework for government class as a senior in high school, thinking into the future, and now that i'm a junior in college, that seems like so long ago. I spoke to my ex girlfriend today, who I dated toward the later part of my senior year, and it's amazing that that was over 2 years ago.


I think time really flies when you're in college. Since you're constantly busy doing work week by week, before you know it the semester is over.. you're starting the next one, that one ends.. it adds on more and more, and just like that you're a graduate.


I'm happy that I'm heading toward "the real world," but sometimes you can't help but reminisce about the past, when all you had to worry about was school, friends, and going after girls/guys.


Do you guys feel the same about time in your life? I guess it should remind us to live for the moment, appreciate others in your life and do as much good as you can, because change is inevitable and you never know what could happen in a year.

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Yeah it is weird you know. I'm still best friends with a friend I met in 9th grade way back in 1997 I believe. I remember the good times in high school, the people, and the bad times as well. Now, I am graduating college in December 2005, and now I'm about to enter adulthood with living on my own and everthing. I mean, I've been away from home since I was 21 when I transfered out here to my current university, but wow... Time really does fly and people really do change.


I'm glad I'm still friends with him though and it's kinda cool knowing someone for almost 8 years!

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You're right! Time flies. I am entering my 2nd year of college, and it seems just yesterday I met my present-day friends from elementary school. And just yesterday, my 4 year old cousin Jacob was born. I still remember all of our family vacations from when I was little. Now all of a sudden my brother is a commercial pilot, and our family is rarely together for any vacation. It seems I've been waiting my whole live to enter adult-hood and take on the world. Well, here I am doing just that. Time flies.

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im about 50-50 on this. Part of me cant wait till i get older, perhaps more people will respect what i have to say, also i will feel like i have some expierance in the world. But, the other half wishes that ill stay young, i love so many things i have now, so much so that i don't want to ever let go.But, i try not to think about time to much, life is to stressed to worry about something so natural.

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