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Was i right in my decision?


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basically ive been seeing this guy casually for about 6months, when we first met he told me he broke up with his ex 3months ago. through the 6months that we have been causlly seein eachother we have grown closer, but i messed up and slept with one of my bestmates(who he used to hang out with all the time)i didnt feel the need to tell him as i thought it wudnt be a big deal because i didnt care for him enough, but when he found out by accident he seemed angry, but tried to hide it with sarcasim. after that happened i realised that i didnt want anyone but him and told him, he felt the same way but didnt trust me enough to start a relationship as i lied about sleeping with my bestmate. last nite he phoned me typsy(Guys when you phone a girl typsy are you for real?)and at first told me he was thinkin ov gettin back with his ex, then later on in the convo said he slept with her and doesnt want her anymore he wants me. now im not a silly woman, but a aprt of me thinks that he's dun this to get back at me. but i think he still feels for her and wants her, so in our convo i told him to go back to her, but he kept on saying no. so i txted him the nxt nite and told him how i felt and wished him goodluck with her. im not sure if he's gonna reply, but i think im in love with him, and if i wasnt so angry i would wanna give this ago, but i feel its pointless.


did i make the right choice in ending it with him, or am i a hypocrite?


anxiously waiting reply asap!!

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You slept with someone else, and then he sleeps with his ex to get back at you. When he tells you what he did, you continue the cycle of resentment by telling him to get back together with his ex when he says he wants you. Someone has to be willing to forgive in order for the relationship to move forward, and it looks like neither of you are. Your relationship with this guy is probably ruined. Relationships that are based on mistrust, resentment and revenge don't have much of a future.

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Well, personaly i think that you both are wrong. It was wrong for you to sleep with your friend, and it was wrong for the guy to sleep with his ex, but see what makes it difficult is you say you love him, but then again you sleept with someone first, and he probaly really cares for you and was so angry that he wanted you to feel the same pain he had felt, and if you think about if he had cheated first you would have been just as angry, and have the same mind set, i want to get back at him, so im going to sleep with someone else, then add alcohol and you have the double cheat. If you really love him and he really loves you forget about the whole situation.

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Six months is a long time to just see some casually without having any type of relationship!


Relationships are built on trust. It makes a solid ground.


Trust me. A previous ex and I did this, we got back together for another year and it was the worst year of my life. We didn't believe one word out of each others mouth. We would fight about watching tv and somehow his friend would come up in the fight. This situation only leads to more resentment.

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thank you all to the contributers, ive spent the whole weekend mad at him and hurt, but i suppose this is how he must of felt(keepin in mind he was only angry with me about sleepin with my friend becuase i didnt tell him)

im gonna give it a few days to clear my head, but its true were just goin round in circles, but i mite aswell bite the bullet and try and sort this out.


im just worried that with my reply(and he hasnt replied yet,)that its to late and ive pushed him back in his direction. but i suppose whats meant for you wont pass you by!


thanks all!wish me luckxx

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