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What drives or motivates you in life?


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Its been a very long time since I've felt like something in my life was worth doing, was worth working hard for, was worth believing in. Which got me thinking, what is is that drives people? What makes people ambitious and makes them want to succeed? What makes them dream? Because I feel rather empty on the inside atm (despite being very fortunate in life) and wish I could just find that "spark" of motivation which could get the wheels turning again.

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hmm. Good question For me it would be travelling overseas, exploring, learning new things, meeting new people, taking some risks, experiencing things that i have never experienced before. I feel like theres always more I could be doing in my life, if only I had more time (and money). I want to learn how to windsurf, play the drums, go to egypt, buy a motorbike. Next year im going to canada to learn to snowboard, I cant wait. Hopefully ill get to see the aurora borealis while im there

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Well, as I've said on other posts, I feel that the three chief drives of all people are love, friendship and accomplishment. Love, in that we all feel compelled to love another and feel the need to be loved. Friedship, in that we need to have people on whom we can depend for non-romantic companionship and comfort. Accomplishment, in that at the end of one's life, one can say without hesitation, that they have led a good life.


Now, as far as passions go, that's a slightly different matter. For many, hobbies produce and then fuel passions. Cooking, photography or playing an instrument give many people tremendous thrill.



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For me, its my parents... they're very successful, have strong beliefts and are ultimately, joyful. They're always inspiring me . Also my dog, he's my best friend, I can always count on him Friendship.. I would be no where without my friends . Love... my boyfriend always helps me grow and become a better person. His love gives me so much joy, and so much encouragement.


As for "material" things, it would be fashion, I LOVE it... everything about it is so fascinating. I love going shopping and seeing what kind of new fun things i can find. I also love swimming. I've been told I have talent.. swimming makes me feel really great about myself. I love to run, work out... All of these things drive me.


If you dont have that motivation yet.. just think about what you love to do! What makes you feel good about yourself?


Good luck!

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what is is that drives people? What makes people ambitious and makes them want to succeed? What makes them dream?


I think that challenge of achieving your goals plays a part in what drives people. Driven people never stop, even once they meet their goals. The relentless pursuit of happiness is what makes people ambitious. They think once they achieve their goals, that they will be happy. While this makes sense, it might not be exactly true.


Material is also a motivating factor. People want a certain car, a house in a certain location, or dream of having something material. For me, it's a sailboat. For others, it might be something else. Getting the means to make it come true is a motivating factor to financially succeed. Which begs the question, what is financial success versus plain ol' success? That is another post, but they're both very different.

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Understanding of ourselves, who we really are.

Understanding of others and how we all interact and work together.

Understanding of our place in the world and the universe.

Understanding of a certain field and interest.

Understanding of what is out there.




Desire to be your best.

Desire to make the world a better place.

Desire to create something that will last longer then you.

Desire to live to the fullest.




Love of yourself and wanting to do something in life.

Love of others, wanting to help them.

Love of life.

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Lonseomeheartmark wrote:

I feel that the three chief drives of all people are love, friendship and accomplishment.


Well, that probably explains why I'm so unmotivated.....


Love: I'm not very loved atm (least of all by myself). All my past relationships have involved me with someone using me to fill in the time, telling me that I'm not good enough or just wanting to sleep with me. My parents don't seem to care about what makes me happy - they think I'm just being selfish.


Friendship: I don't have the most social or outgoing personality, hence I don't have many friends. Of those I do have, most are married or in a steady r/s so its difficult to spend time with them.


Accomplishment: Study is all I ever do and I feel more like a social outcast as a result. I can't find a job with hours that would suit my study timetable. So in the end, I haven't really done anything for which I can say, "Hey, at least I've led a good life".

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I think that a lack of motivation has a lot to do with feeling "numb." Often times, when people go through so much pain and heartache, they tend to loose focus of their passions in life. People have different motivations. It also depends on their own individual personalities and values.


Three things that I personally find motivating are-

Personal Convictions- Helping out poor people. I would LOVE to work with urban community kids. Some people don't seem to give a damn about them and automatically label them as delinquints. But, I think that they have to most potential to succeed. It feels good to motivate/inspire people, especially if they're struggling financially. It's especially rewarding if by the end of the day, I can at least put a smile on their face. That's true satisfaction for me!


Utilizing Personal Talents- Designing- I have a strong eye for design. It's something natural for me.


Personal Growth- Staying Young- I would love to grow young. I strive to wake up every morning with a happy smile on my face, and to enjoy the simple things in life.


Another factor that I think is important is family. It's kind of sad how people don't seem to value family anymore. But, family is all we have, and without them, we're basically nothing. At least that's how I feel.

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