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he finally said what I knew all along


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Hello Everybody!


The most wonderful thing happened today!


To sum it up...I was married and became involved with my adoring, commitmentphobic best friend. I won't go into what went wrong in my marriage because it has all been iterated in previous threads (long story). I am currently separated from my husband and still in the middle of divorce.


My fwb had broken off with me over a year ago and said he wanted to remain friends. It wasn't easy (somebody told me once-nothing good ever came easy.)


There were alot of tears at first, periods of NC-even still, a continuous letting go, ups & downs, days I thought I couldn't get through, jealousy...


Then, six weeks ago he took me out and kissed me goodnight.


It has been a very slow process, but, we perservered & stayed friends, despite all you skeptics.


I am living proof it can be done! We are still best friends. He is my best friend/soulmate/lover. We are not yet bf/gf...


But, he finally said what I knew all along...............


Today, he told me he loves me!



btw...Hi Ara aka Muneca!


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