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Not sure what to think anymore


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Hello everyone,


I'm back for as much advice as I can get on this one, so thank you in advance for your help in this matter...


I began chatting with someone over the internet about 2 weeks ago. We clicked instantly, and were throwing emails and instant messages back and forth like crazy. As this weekend was approaching, I asked him to meet up on Friday and go for a drink or something. We met up and we were both quite nervous, but as the night progressed, things seemed to feel right. He walked me home and we watched a flick. At one point I went outside for a smoke and he followed. I said that I was having a great time and would like to see him again, and told him that I'm just a very honest girl, and that if he didn't feel "it" too, that it was ok. So he came closer and kissed me. Which led to much more kissing. Sufficed to say, the evening didn't end until early morn He said he would call me before the party I was going to late Saturday eve, but it never happened. When I got home there was an instant message of him apologizing for not calling. At one point during Sunday he messaged me again but said he wasn't going to be on for long and wanted to know how the party went.


Which brings us current. I called him after work (after not receiving any correspondence from him all day) to wish him a happy bday, and the first thing he says is that he's been bad and apologizes again for not calling. I asked him if everything was ok, and he says that he's just been busy. Now, this "just been busy" line has been used on me before, and usually it means that 'I'm to much of a coward to tell you that I'm just not that into you'. After he said that, I played like I couldn't hear him and then told him that perhaps I would call him later.


I just don't want to be the idiot no more. What do you all think?

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Ok so you met up with this guy from the net and ended up having a good time. He kisses you and you both liked it, and now he is sort of blowing you off by saying the obvious line that many of us women are used on: "I'll call you...I'm just busy, now." Ok, seems to me that the guy is playing games with you. He saw you, had fun with you, kissed you, and now isn't calling and apologizes for it. This guy probably didn't sense the chemistry in the kiss I guess...I mean if he didn't call, then he probably thought there was no spark and well just won't take the chance of picking up a phone and telling you the truth. He's leading you on saying that he will call, and then you wait for the phone when you have to realize that it isn't gonna happen. Sorry, but there are just some guys out there (not saying all of them), but there are guys out there who will play with a girls heart and emotions. I've been there trust me!

And you call him saying, "Happy Birthday" ok usually a person would be like Thank You, and then the convo would go on from there. But he doesn't do that, he just brushes it off, meaning he doesn't care.


Don't call him back! If the guy is at all interested he would call you or whatever, but you are the one calling him. Play hard to get if you have to, if you want to know if this guy is for real (which im guessing he isn't) let him notify you.

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