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hello there


i posted about this once before and i'd like to know your thoughts about the current situation...

a few weeks ago i met this boy that lives about 3.5 hours away when i was visiting my friends..


i stayed at his place that night, but nothing really happened, we kissed a little bit and talked all night...and he walked me to my friends place the next morning gave me a kiss and i ran inside, not wantingto give him my info, b/c i didn't want to get my hopes up...see he just moved to this big city and ijust moved to a dfferent big city and both of us had just recently been out of serious relationships... his was long distance...


so my firned told me that after i left to come back home, he asked for my email address...but he didn't email me...so i dug up the courage and emailed him and he emailed me back...

so i emailed him again last thursday....but i have yet to get a response...

it was his work email, so i know i should be more patient...but is there any hope of this workingout?

i know i can't make any more moves here, but i really liked him...and to find out he was interested in me, that was awesome! and i think if we were in teh same city, we would be awesome together...but i know part o fme thinks i have an entire city to explore, and i'm sure he's having the same thoughts...

but i would love to see him again, and he said in his email he'd love to hang out with me again, but i don't think i can muster up the courage to go tot eh city and actually visit him! i mean, i don't know him THAT well...

any thoughts?

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thanks bama

still no reply from him...i guess it means he's not interested anymore....oh well...good thing i didn't offer to bear his children or anything...

although, if he'd asked...i might have considered it .

maybe i'll keep my hopes up, we'll see what happens...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just to be safe, how long has he had the job and how often does he check his email @ work? I ask because I have an email @ work that I never check. I'll admit I don't tell many others about it but I would not depend on email as a source of communication when it comes to relationships.


i second that...must be too busy to check his mail...or some other reason..

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