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I think i need a man!!

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it's lack of affection! I miss having a boyfriend. I miss

being holded, I was on the bus today and found my eyes

wondering. There was this couple who I couldnt

help but glance at...they were holding eachother

and kissing eachother and just smiling and talking. I miss

that in my life.


Im not sure If I nessesarly "need need" a boyfriend, but It

would be nice to have someone to hold me and have someone

I can hold as well and talk to and Love...


Im 17...Been through a lot of stuff to question someones

word and question their trust. It's like a trust issue I guess.

well...I can't hardly trust myself, Ive done a number of

things I regret.


I find it hard to keep a relationship, because when Im in a

relationship I feel trapped. Or I don't feel like they like me



I feel like I need to get on a deeper level

plant both feet on the ground and stop

letting my mind wonder and leettting

myself jump to conclusions about the person

before even getting to know them well enough.


It is a HUGE problem with me...Does anybody else

have this same issue, Any advice would really be

help to me. Thanks bunches

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but It

would be nice to have someone to hold me and have someone

I can hold as well and talk to and Love...


I feel exactly the same way. In fact, i think I'd be happier and have less issues if I had someone to hold or someone to hold me for that matter. I've never been in a relationship, but I imagine it must be swell, despite the emotional baggage involved.


I cant relate to your feelings from being in a relationship, never having been in one myself. On the other hand, I can completely understand your desire to have someone to hold.



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I'd Love to help the both of you out. I think your idea of the kissing and holding and all this bliss may be a bit misleading to the truth.


Truth is most couples go through this honey moon period. Oh ...everything is great, kissing, hugging, perhaps intimacy and just bliss, but give it three months even with the best partner and you'll be thinking that its all a sham. Sure you see couples kissing and hugging, they all seem so nice and happy, but you have no idea what happens behind closed doors, oh if you could just be a fly on the wall. Take it from someone who is happily married, and three years into the same relationship, i promise you....that things are not always 100% bliss, you have to work very hard at a relationship..to keep that kissing and hugging going. It doesnt just stay like that forever and ever.


These couples you may see who seem so perfect and happy may be relatively new in this relationship and have the masses fooled. Eventually as time goes on people get bored with one another and only those who are willing to work hard to keep the romance alive will survive. This is the truth in even the most melodic relationships...even when both parties are faithful, attractive, great sexual chemistry it still takes WORK. So my advice to you is don't let those eskimo kisses fool you (no pun intended since i'm in Alaska ) never go into a relationship out of lonliness you will be worst than when you first started. And some men seek women who are lonly and womanize them, so be careful and make sure you get into your next relationship for the RIGHT reasons...lonliness is the WRONG one and can lead to further hart ache!!! I hope this helps you somewhat.

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lonliness is the WRONG one and can lead to further hart ache


True though this may be, we can't get creature comfort from ourselves or (in my case) other guys. As akew from the turh as our perceptions may be, it is nonetheless reassuring to know that there are others out there who share those sentiments. From where I'm sitting, I'd rather know what its like to have someone to hold, and get burned down the road if only to feel that feeling for a short while

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All the kisses in the world don't amount to squat next to someone looking you in the eyes once a day and saying "I love you" with such passion and feeling that it rocks you to your core. And you don't need constant hugs and kisses to feel that way. Anybody can kiss. Not everybody can SHOW you how they feel with a glance in the eyes and just three words.


That is love, friends.

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Get back to me a bit after you get into a relationship and a lasting one of atleast a few months... (grasshopper ) and then we'll see if your views on "I'd rather love and lose then not love at all" still stands. Only then will we know for sure.


Yea, I know exactly what you mean on the quote...never really sure if I 'believed' it, but like said....see if it still stands. Because, I may not have been in anything considered a long relationship, but right now, with my current situation, and not knowing what's going on between myself and the other....it hurts like hell...I can't concentrate on anything till I get some sort of answers....and I dont know how long it could be till that happens...and that's the last thing I really need as a college student. Like she says...test the quote yourself.

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i have loved before and it felt great at the time.

Ive been in love 4 times. Well "lust". We told eachother

we loved eachother, but it never really lasted. I guess

you can call it puppy love.


I still feel the same way and stand to reason with you who

have had or want the same thing as me.


I know how the last poster feels.


Not being aboue to get much done, I feel asleep after

school and havnt woken up until just now. I have a speech

to do, not to mention some major studying and All i can

do is dream. All i can do is wonder if Kyle likes me the

way I like him, which I still come to doubt but a little

part of me keeps wonderin.


I dont want to ruin what can be a great friendship, but id love

to know what hes feeling, yet im scared to know at the same



I feel like I can see him and I together happy. But i just

cant block those feelings.

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I feel like I can see him and I together happy. But i just

cant block those feelings.


Something I can relate to very much. The thing is, at least for me, I've seen myself happy with many a girl. Which begs the question: are some people simply looking for love itself? None of us ever want to ruin a great friendship and usually, we can squeeze out of this difficult situation while salvaging the frienship. However, as many a person here I'm sure can relate, getting over the feelings you have takes time, whether its a day or a week.

Surprisingly enough, telling the person or otherwise letting them know our feelings often proves to be the easiest and most difficult thing to do. On the one hand, it lifts a great burden off our backs: our little "secret". On the other hand, you're dealing with 50/50 odds, which is risky business. And with the game of love, a bet that big means you have to go all in.

The darndest thing is everyone says have patience and be a friend first. Sadly, this seems to last a lifetime for many of us. Simply put, the first rule of attraction is you don't want to be a friend, you want to be a love interest. I've learned the hard way, as I'm sure many others have, that you have to force yourself to wait. Two people RARELY fall in love with each other at first sight. I mean, if it happened often enough, I probably wouldn't be here and I'm sure many others wouldn't.


So what's the moral of the rambling? The statistics say be a friend, but ever so delicately and with the greatest touch of panache, move things in the direction of something "more"


I hope it all works out for you and I'll knock on some wood for ya!



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