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Okay, so basically I met this girl saturday night. I had a real nice time with her and everything. She's just looking for friendship though. So yesterday, I tried to have lunch and dinner with her but neither worked out. She couldn't do lunch cuz she was writing a paper and I stopped by her room on the way to dinner but she wasn't there. So today, i called and left a message on her cell saying maybe we could hang out or meet up for dinner. So far no reply. i REALLY don't want to screw up, and I've been doing pretty well so i don't think I have anything to worry about. My plan though is, If I don't hear back from her today, I'll just hold off till maybe friday. I mean if I see her online or on campus I'll say hi and maybe chat with her for a bit.




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I agree with everyone else saying to let her do the replying. It sounds like you are coming on too strong, and that's a turn off for anyone. Especially if she said she just wanted to be friends.


Another thing is, she might have told you she just wanted to be friends to let you down easily instead of flat out telling you that she's just not into you that much. It's a crappy way of saying "I don't like you at all", but some girls do it. So yeah, let her make the next move instead of keep contacting her.

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well, to be honest with you all, I know exactly what happened.


I met her on saturday night. We had both had stuff to drink but she had drank a lot more than me. I was told to take care of her by her friends. I ended up holding her hand and having her arm around my shoulder for a good portion of the night. That being a first fo rme, I let it go to my head. Stupid me. So, i got attached. i tried to convinc emyself it wan't happening again, but I got my rude awakening today. At least, there may be a slavageble friendship, maybe. i'm pretty sure she doesn't think I'm a creep based on the IM conversation we had earlier this afternoon. Of course, i probably won't contact her, not for a while anyways and then maybe only a casual 'hello' on IM every now and then.


Perhaps this is for the best. After all, I learn equally well from screw ups as successes.

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