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Hey ladies what do you like your man to tell you?

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I realize you are only asking ladies for advice, but let me just say this: The sweetest words your girlfriend hears should be your words, not anyone elses. They should come from your heart. What's more, each woman is different but what's universal (amongst men and women) is that we all like being oved and when we're reminded of it, we really melt. So, that's my two cents

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One of the sweetest thing a signficant other ever told me was when he looked at me out of nowhere, and said, "I imagine that you'll be a wonderful mother someday, and that your smile will always be there. You will always be that young beautiful person I know. Someone so pure, innocent and sweet." Anyway, made me want to cry, because I truly felt like that person meant it, and it was a very endearing compliment!


Anyway, enough about that. If you truly respect/admire this girl, make reference to something that you adore about her. Don't say anything generic or typical. It's more special when you say something that you mean, from your heart. And, sometimes, it's not what a guy says, but how he says it. I agree with Lonesome. There are no perfect lines that you can tell a woman, except for- "Honey, you're always right! How about I cook and do the dishes tonight after I give you your foot massage?" lol I'm kidding. But, I wouldn't mind it if my man did that for me! ;P

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This is a really good question.


It's important that you're totally honest. Don't just say things because you think it's what she wants to hear. Don't be 'that guy'.


What I would suggest would be totally dependent on who she is, what she likes, what she's all about, etc. It's difficult to give a fomula for this type of thing.


One thing that has always been something I value, is when my man is on my side. Meaning, if I get into an argument with someone and am upset about it, he's 'with me', not against me. My ex was horrible about picking apart my arguments and critiquing my approach, attitude, opinions, etc. Be on her side, and she'll totally love you for it. It feels great to have your main man in your corner.

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