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How many of you lost contacts with school friends?

Laura Ashley

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Hi there,


Just wondered how many of you had close friends at school, and when you left school, lost some of your closest friends??


Me Frankie (another Enotalone user) go to separate colleges, and teachers and parents often mention the fact that you usually lose contact after a while since you make new friends in different places.


Anyone share stories?? It just worries me because I don't want to lose my old high school friends. I still want us you be friends in ten years time or more.



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I had 2 really close friends throughout High School and we did everything together for years after we left school. But i don't see them anymore, i tend to move in different circles with my work and i don't live in the same area any longer.


I do however, still see a couple of my college friends on a regular basis.


I've not fallen out with any of my old friends, but we have just grown apart.

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i lost contact with a lot of people from school. i guess it just happens as you grow up and sometimes you grow apart or just drift from each other. i lost a really best friend in the process which is a shame but sometimes it just happens. you later realise that some people are "situational friends" and once you leave that situation, you leave them as well.


a few of those friends i did hold on to however. i found the ones that mean the most to you tend to stick around longer! if you and your friend are reallu that close and mean a lot to each other, separation shouldnt end the friendship. it might make it a little more difficult for you both but i wouldnt give up on it just yet!

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Lost contact with all of them at somepoint. I resumed contact with one friend because our parents became good friends. I have a few good friends that I've made in various ways (mostly through work). You'll always have some kind of friendships going but keeping in touch with old friends gets tougher because of life experiences take you on different paths. You generally get with people you can relate with, and after a while certain relationships don't work anymore because you have nothing in common.

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Hi! After I left school (two years ago), I didn't fancy going to University and stayed here in my hometown and got a job. It was hard because everyone I was friends with all went to different Universities accross the country. I was really worried too that I wouldn't keep in contact with the people I was closest to at school but the three close friends I had there I still keep in regular contact with via texts, emails etc. It can be hard going from seeing someone all the time to not seeing them so much and still trying to maintain the same bonds you had but if you both take the time out to stay in contact it can be done.

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I kept contact with the friends I cared about most. Unfortunately my best friend from junior high and high school ditched me for his girlfriend. It's kind of strange who you do end up keeping in touch with. I find myself still talking to people I wasn't friends with for long more than some of my long term friends.


It's easy to forget about your friends with all the new things in life. However, I believe it's important to tend to those friendships as well. With all the technologies around these days, I think it would be difficult to completely loose contact with a friend of old (unless one of you stopped caring).

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I keep in touch with one girl I've been friends with since junior high, otherwise no one.


I've been to my 10 & 20 year high school reunions. What I've found is that even with people you were close to in high school, after that time & place has passed you do tend to drift apart and have very different lives and probably not much in common in current life. I think it's just the process of growing up and figuring out who you are and what you want to do with your life.

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I have. Yet through an online College Directory (link removed), I'm trying to keep in contact. I also made sure to get as many emails of people I wanted to keep in contact with. But there are those people that got away. I miss them, but I know I have my memories and there is always a chance I meet them later in life.

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Hey LA, I've only been out of school for 3 months, and now all my friends including me have went to separate universities. I've moved about a 2.5hour drive away, but I still have a mobile and e-mail address, but I feel abandonned up here, as not many people (about 3) from my school came here. I don't know what to do, but I'm guessing I'll make new friends, and hopefully stay close to them for the rest of my life, or a very long time at least!


Take care, Hx

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