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How do you make guy friends?

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I know that seems like a weird question but I've always had trouble making guy friends. Being a guy myself, it should come naturally to me, but it doesn't. Oddly enough, I tend to be good with women (in fact, very good) and I can do well in just about any social situation, but I don't have any guy friends. By "friends", I mean someone who will call you up and ask you to do something, or if you contact them they don't blow you off.


I realize that guys bond through activities—like sports, for example. I am athletic, but that doesn't do any good if I don't know anyone to be on a rec sports team with. The guys I know through school are all good guys and I get along well with them, but they never ask me to do anything. If I knew other people, I would gladly ask these guys to do things—like parties and such—but I don't.


When there is an excuse to be around guys—like work or school—I tend to be fun to be around. But when there isn't an excuse to be around other guys, I tend to be alone—aside from the girl I happen to be dating at the time. I have no doubt that people genuinely like me; they just aren't my friends (I know that sounds weird). I am involved with lots of outside activities, but I just can't seem to cultivate friendships.


I've always heard that politicians may be very good with large groups and chatting people up, but they otherwise have very few, if any, close personal friends. Honestly, I'm tired of being like this.


Your advice, please.

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I agree with summer_in_greece. Sports bore me and I have a problem finding male friends. Most chat about women is often sexual and disrespectful. The few male friends I have are generally into the same music as I and we play together on occasion.


As far as making guy friends, common interest is the main, if not only, starting point.

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