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Socially Inept People - Yuck


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Remember this, a lot of them can't help it.


well said. It's true too. Some us aren't as gifted socially and sometimes we get a lot of crap for it, or people talk amongs themselves about how "socially inept so and so is." There are a host of reasons why a person might be "socially inept" Many are beyond their control, others can be changed. People for whom social situations and making friendships present a challenge require extra effort on the part of others to make them feel welcome. The best thing you can do is be kind to them , talk with them, greet them with a smile, ask them to hang out with you. It'll make a world of difference to them; I know.


For many people who feel socially inept or not as skilled, they really spend a lot of time sitting around, looking for something to do or someone to talk to. After a while, we get used to it so it doesn't bother us as much. Nonetheless, what we wouldn't give for someone to just come over and say "Hey! What are you doing tonite? Why don't you come hang out with us?


That's really all I have to offer as advice



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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess you could call me socially inept. I made about a half dozen friends some fifteen years ago when I was in the first grade... and er those are the only friends I have to this day. Point is you can't always reach out to a person that's "socially inept". In my case I'm happy with a few really close friends. I don't care to bother with new people.

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