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Well, it's a personal opinion and everyone's different. But here's my tastes:


1. curly or straight hair?



2. light or dark eyes?

I love blue eyes. But there's a girl I know with hazel eyes that I also find very very very attractive.


3. light or dark hair?

I've had my thing with blondes - I prefer dark hair now.


4. light or dark skin?

Preference - light.


5. makeup or no?

Very little and unnoticeable - if any at all.

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It is personal for every man. And it is more about her personality. Also, I know men who like the exact opposite of the things I do. But . . .


1. Curly hair;

2. Light eyes, pref. blue, but my gf has brown;

3. Red heads!!!! then light;

4. Definitely light;

5. No or little makeup, the best things a woman can wear are a smile and confidence.

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1. curly or straight hair?


2. light or dark eyes?


3. light or dark hair?


4. light or dark skin?


5. makeup or no?


6. thick or thin lips


1. Straight


2. Prefer blue, would settle for green or brown


3. Light hair, with blonde being optimal


4. Light skin, but somewhat tanned is nice.


5. The better she can look without makeup, the more I can appreciate her beauty. Any person can put on makeup and look decent.


6. I don't really consider lips.

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