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tell me how does life get better!!!!!???????


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Ok im just sayin cause people always say it gets better.Before i got a good job and it was slightly ok but not what i hoped.Good thing come up and my really good friend comes back from marines.Then i lose my really good job due to some stupid rich people who bought the place.But when my friend does come we go out and have fun with friends only for me to truly find out that anything he evr said about wanting to love someone before sex was a big lie.Talking about with another friend how they really need to find some girls too have sex with before he goes or find more.And i ahvent done anything with him the time hes been here after and i feel like he wont call me up or anything when hes here.Im not going to college like all my other friends cause i cant afford it without a job.I still havent had a chance for a gf cept for one but now its gone since im out of my job since she might of got a job there.Im having insomnia probs.I go to bed at like 9 in the morning and wake up at 6 or 7 at night and it pisses me off.Life is just so pointless and empty and i just wanan know how it truly gets better?Cause i dont know at all because its been the same way for a long time.Im sorry im feeling myself fall back down into a depression and just wanna have some things too think of that might brighten my days iono.Cause people say that it does but i dont see it.

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Of late, I too have regressed. What we have to is focus on the small things, however small they may be that give us joy. Surely, there must be aspects of your life which make you smile and say "wow! I'm happy" or "Hey, that's not too shabby! You're doing well kid!" They say that it helps to find something your passionate about and to put all you have into that. Example: I really can't sing worth a damn, but I can play guitar half-decently and it makes me happy to strum something out and make up lyrics. I stopped caring what people thought about my voice because when I did, I always got sad and lost interest in playing.


The truth is, there are people in this world with whom you just wont ever get along well. There will be days that you feel like, well...shi* for lack of a better word. You can trust in that. So too can you trust in the fact that there will be days when you feel like you're "the man" and things couldn't be better. My philosophy is as follows:


Those days in our lives, filled with sadness and despair, are the cornerstones of our very existence. Likewise, our lives would not be complete without joyous days and happy moments. The important thing to remember is that one cannot exist without the other. For without knowing sorrow, we could not know joy. In a sick way, they define each other so that we can easily recognize them. Consider the questions: "You say today is a bad day but how is it a bad day?" "What is it about today that marks it as dissatisfying?" In order to answer these questions, you have to know what a "good" day is.


I hope this helps. feel free to IM me anytime you want to chat.




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*Hugs* Shinobie. I know it's hard to believe that things will ever get better, but if there's one thing I've learned from my short time on this planet is that life rarely gives us more than what we ask of it. So in answer to your question "How does life get better?" It doesn't. We just hopefully get better at dealing with it by learning that life in and of itself isn't good or bad -- It just "is" - but if we want to improve our circumstances and our likelihood of being happy (however one defines that), it's still our 'job' to decide what we really want from it and go after it 200%.


I can understand the strong desire to give up and think things are "pointless" (like your sig indicates), but the simple truth is this - If you don't dream, plan, work, and scheme your way to a better life, nothing much changes. As hopeless as you might feel now, all these things that have fallen through are temporary setbacks, not proof positive that your life is doomed. We have no control over what challenges life throws our way, but it's OUR choice as to how we see and utilize them. Whether you see the challenges as setbacks or stepping stones that lead you to something greater is ALL up to you.


Now that you're in a "downtime" in your life, you might as well make good use of the time to regenerate your confidence in your strengths and abilities. Write out a list of everything you've ever accomplished and/or been proud of. Look at the times where you defied the odds and went after something anyway even though common sense or others told you were crazy to do so. What qualities and strengths helped you do the impossible? These very same qualities are those which will help you get through this time onto your next big thing.


Need inspiration? Read history. You'd be amazed with the challenges that life threw at the "greats." In fact, JFK wrote his college thesis about such people and it became a popular book as well as movie series.

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There aint no easy answers, you have to get up off that bed in daytime and get out in the real world and make it yourself. It's ether that or sit around depressed blaming everything from your moods to other people instead of yourself. Set that alarm and... Get out there and live your life.

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