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do we have types?

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just read the topic on certain people who are attracted to us.


but really do people actually have types!!???( i mean on just looks alone)


i used to think i was attracted to tall guys with brown hair and brown eyes!


even though i suppose i still am, i think i notice and look at more guys with browny/blonde hair and greeny/bluey eyes! they also have a medium build usually. ie not too thin, not loads of muscle, but somehwere nice and in between. i go 4 guys who are cheeky looking!


anyone out there like that?? hehe


Sugar X

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Personality wise, I definitely have a "type". I know this because I tend to choose long-term relationships with men who share similar characteristics. I like funny, intelligent, easy-going men.


The only similar physical trait that has been consistent with every guy I've dated is height. Yes, I know I'll probably be 'taken down' for this, but I'll say it anyway. I like taller men because I'm tall. It simply feels right.

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Yes I think people do definitely have types, both physical and personality.


Being attracted to a certain "type" physically is not shallow, it is human nature. It is only potentially shallow if that is the sole reason you are attracted to them or form a relationship with them. But we should not deny the physical aspect of our attraction to someone and like you have favorite colors you will have favored looks.

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i suppose the tallness thing is the same for a lot of people. i'd really want someone taller then me, so i feel they can look after me in a way!!lol but not too tall so i couldn't kiss em!!


personality wise, i go 4 people who tease me . who are playfull and have a kinda naughty streak in a way.


also kindness, outgoing,friendly to everyone, warm, and who isn't bothered what other people think of them and don't judge, put down other people.

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I don't have a physical type I'm attracted to (or, was attracted to when I was single....) If you lined up all my exes in a row, you'd see no physical similarities...all different heights, builds, eye/hair color and so forth. Come to think of it, if you lined them all up in a row it'd make target practice real easy....but I digress...


However if you looked at their personalities and interest, you'd notice real quickly that nearly all of them were artsy/creative, writer/musician types. The one "jock" I dated was a clash of personalities from day one. Why he ever asked me out I'll never know....and why I ever agreed to go out with him, I'll never know either. But that was a mistake I never repeated.


And, yeah, I married an artsy/creative, writer/musician type.

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shes2smart. thats interesting. like the line idea.


i suppose in the end it is maily down to personality. someone could be so sexy to look at, but when you get to know them can turn you instantly off! then you never look at them again in the same way. and vice versa.


melrich wrote:

like you have favorite colors you will have favored looks.



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Current research shows that we seek a partner with a similar genetic profile to ourselves in order to proportionally increase the possibility of our own genetic material being present in our offspring.

Also we have an inbuilt rating system eg if you rate yourself a 6 out of 10 you will seek partners between 5-7. Any better and you feel insecure, any worse and you feel disatisfied.

Funny old business....

Personally I go for very similar types of men over a farily broad spectrum.

And ,... physicality can be linked to personality so that all ties in too.

i just know if someone floats my boat...

Love nenezxx

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