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I like two girls Girl1 I have not known very long but I love her personality and her looks. Girl2 I have known longer and she has a boyfriend and this is the reason I want to protect her he goes with people behind her back and jokes about it to his face and when I gave her a friendly hug at a party he said he told her if I do it again he would hit me. (not worried I am bigger than him) He was my friend but he has changed he used to treat his girlfriend like he loves her know no one knows why she is staying with him.


On another situation Girl1 is probably the nicest girl I have met with an interest in me but I cant decide because the one I pick I will have to be dedicated to If I met them both today I would go out with girl1 but I dont know.


Girl1 is the first girl to come up to me and talk to me and I dont know if she likes me yet like that. She also waited for me so she could walk to lessons with me.

I dont know if she fancy's me or is just being friendly. I can talk to this girl with out fealing nervous like all other girls thier is like a connection but i want to ask her out.

any ideas? im confused (this is the edited version the other 1 was more confusing) and detailed

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It sounds like you're more interested in girl number 1 and since she's the single one, that might make things less complicated. however, don't let yourself get fixated on her to the extent that if you don't develop a relationship, it would make things awkward. And as far as ideas for asking out go, my general reccomendation has been taking her for coffee at a local coffee house.

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Im sorry about the title,


I have now decided to get over the girl with the idiot boyfriend I will still be her friend but I dont want to go thier.

As for the other girl I really like her looks but have talked to her alot and like her personality aswell, she is in two out of my three lessons so I see her every day and when I go through the day without asking her out it hurts and your kicking yourself.

Anyone got a way that I can tell her I like her without actualy asking her out so that I can build up to it. Im definitely going to do something tomorrow!


If a girl waits for you to walk to another lesson, and sits next to you the first time she see's you this must mean something? or is she just friendly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can I have you advice again.

The girl finally broke up with her boyfriend who treated her bad. Well were going out with a couple of friends on friday to "console" her. I have flirted with her in the past. What I want to do maybe when there are only a couple of us there look into her eyes and If I pick up any kind of vibe im going to kiss her.

I know all her boyfriends have been dickheads and I know she knows I like her like that and I have done stupid things like hugging her abit to intensly infront of her old boyfriend but I CANT remember that. I love her and I want to do this before she gets a new boyfriend because she is a very tidy girl and all I can say is im sick of doing nothing and not expressing my feelings.

I think if I look at her I should no if she likes me but if she doesnt i can make it into a joke because we have done things like that in the past. If she says no or pulls away adleast I can sleep that night without thinking or regretting or plannig how?


The other girl I still fancy but I believe I love the other one any tips so I dont get in trouble or a better solution would be appreciated.

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