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Do guys like it when girls stare back?


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My friends and I have always wondered about what we should do when guys who find us attractive stare at us (assuming that's why they are staring us in the eyes). Do guys like it when girls stare back even when it's an awfully long stare? My friends and I all look away after an intense staring session. Do guys think girls are reciprocating too much if we stared them in the eyes just as long?

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staring is kinda creepy (even if I'm not a guy, just trust me.)


what's better is catching his glaze for like 1-2 seconds, smile, and look away. A few rounds of that should do the trick (ie, have him come up to you)


Good luck


I think the staring goes on for about 5 seconds. But 5 seconds feel like an eternity! I always believed the longer the stare the more interested the guy is. But it does get to be really creepy, even when the guys are really good looking!

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There should be no more than a few seconds of eye contact. Longer and you feel like the person is a stalker.


The direction in which a woman looks should be slightly down, to indicate attraction. If she looks straight to the left side, it says she is not interested.

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I dont really agree with the people that say to just look away and smile. There's no limit to how long you can 'stare' or hold eye contact with someone, it just depends on your tone when doing it, and your confidence. Haven't you people ever seen commercials(b/c that's the easiest thing I can think of for reference) where a guy and a girl are walking down the street going opposite ways, but still toward one another. Then they both catch eyes and they keep that eye contact all the way to the point where they're side to side and turning heads to look at one another, even possibly stopping and turning back after passing one another to keep that eye contact. That's true confidence...and an easy way to show you're interested in someone without even having said a word. I don't care if it's just in a commercial, try and find someone that can do it in real life with you, and you may have found yourself someone new.

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I was walking on campus the other day, I glanced towards this girl right as she was passing by, and she had her eyes locked on me. Problem is, I was kinda in my own little world before I noticed her. I regret not noticing her right away, she was beautiful, maybe I would have smiled at her. But to answer the question, I like when a girl stares back, and I can tell she's interested. If she's just looking because I am, well that's no fun lol.


I think there's a certain way girls look at you when they're interested, they lower their heads while sort of looking up at the guy and might even smile. But I guess it depends on the girl and how attracted she is.

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So far all of you guys say its okay to gaze back at the attractive strangers. When it happens I gaze back and then look down (I guess it's the fight or flight response). So you guys find the "look-down-after-a-gaze" attractive just as long as the ladies are smiling or either have the "you look VERY attractive" look?

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So far all of you guys say its okay to gaze back at the attractive strangers. When it happens I gaze back and then look down (I guess it's the fight or flight response). So you guys find the "look-down-after-a-gaze" attractive just as long as the ladies are smiling or either have the "you look VERY attractive" look?


I like when the girl smiles, but I prefer being overwhelmed with her eye contact lol, because then that makes me smile. Unless I find her so attractive that I'm stunned that she's looking at me, in which case I kinda just stare then kick myself afterwards.

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My friends and I have always wondered about what we should do when guys who find us attractive stare at us (assuming that's why they are staring us in the eyes). Do guys like it when girls stare back even when it's an awfully long stare? My friends and I all look away after an intense staring session. Do guys think girls are reciprocating too much if we stared them in the eyes just as long?



I love it haha. If we find you physically attractive, pretty much why we keep eyeing you in the first place , then its awesome if you stare back for a while.

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what I understand with "staring" is something like this:



and it's not nice.


I think the rules other guys posted here (2 seconds eye contact, then break, looking left = not interested) depends on situation and person. However, they are quite good generalizations. Maybe your girl might like longer eye contact, maybe not. Try longer once as well if you can, you'll know if it goes wrong

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I just think starings a bit...well creepy and a bit...desperate. Nothing wrong with getting caught sneaking a few glances and flashing a smile though.


In my experience what works best is locking eyes, ensuring they notice you locked eyes, flashing your pearly whites and then after a few seconds looking away and going back to your friends. Repeat, then eventually extrude yourself from your friends, go over there and start chatting.

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[Dre_7 wrote]I think there's a certain way girls look at you when they're interested, they lower their heads while sort of looking up at the guy and might even smile. But I guess it depends on the girl and how attracted she is.


lol i think i do that. when i like someone i think sometimes i'll give them little looks without even realising it. one guy said it drove him crazy but i didn't know what he was on about!

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also if i like i guy i might look at him, then look suddenly away,lol usually gives him the idea!


I think the looking away thing works when you see him regularly, and if you do look away then smile when you do it. As for me, I prefer extended mutual eye contact. Someone posted and said if you find a person that you lock eyes with, then you've found yourself someone new...I'd like to agree with that!

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