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What's your age gap?


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CamGuy, I like you...We should be friends



Most men who actually understand the general concept of sexual intercourse know that women younger than 30 are God AWFUL at sex. They just expect to sit there and take it, and receive all the pleasure, while older women know how to paralell a man in the bedroom.


Guess in that case, you should go find an experienced 30-40 something woman then who wants to show you how its done. She could educate you rather than the other way around


You guys are highly amusing to some extent at the women you have experienced. You MUST be looking at and dating the wrong women.

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Guess in that case, you should go find an experienced 30-40 something woman then who wants to show you how its done. She could educate you rather than the other way around


You guys are highly amusing to some extent at the women you have experienced. You MUST be looking at and dating the wrong women.


Sweetheart, ALL women are fundementally the same. No matter what age. True, some have more experience than others. But in the long haul, all you gals float the same idosecrencies.


I just find it amusing when I meet women who only go for older men because they "get them, and are mature and sophisticated".

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2 weeks age gap...wooooooo!! (I'm older ha!)


All women are not fundementally the same, never use an absolute, makes everyone want to prove you wrong.


Many women follow similar patterns, but, well, many women don't. So....maybe you should stop dating the same type of women all the time? If women all follow similar patterns maybe you should change your patterns and not keep dating those types. Just a suggestion Cheers!

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Sorry girls but I have to also agree with the guys here.


I am WOMAN in my early thirties. I thought I was pretty good at sex in my twenties too, that is until I turned thirty and realised how it should really be. My husband has never been happier.


I also agree that alot of women in their twenties are after tangible things and that's why they like older men.

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Sorry girls but I have to also agree with the guys here.


I am WOMAN in my early thirties. I thought I was pretty good at sex in my twenties too, that is until I turned thirty and realised how it should really be. My husband has never been happier.


I also agree that alot of women in their twenties are after tangible things and that's why they like older men.


SEE, exactly. An honest woman. I love seeing that. I'm sorry, but a 16 yr old knows nothing on how to please a man. If a 16 yr old is after an MUCH MUCH older man, chances are she has HUGE daddy issues, and is looking for a father figure to take care of her emotionally and financially. NOT ALWAYS THE CASE, but most of the times, IS THE CASE.

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I was responding more to the "younger women who date older men are gold diggers" statement than the sex one. Obviously I'm not yet in my thirties or beyond so I can't exactly compare my then-and-now sex skills.


As long as the guys here are intelligent enough to admit that not all younger women are after materialistic things, then fine. Like I said before, I'm sorry if you guys have dealt with less than stellar women, but grouping all of us together like that is, really, just stupid. It's funny, in a sad way, that it's so hard for someone to believe that a person can actually fall for someone older, without having any sort of daddy complexes or money hunger.

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I was responding more to the "younger women who date older men are gold diggers" statement than the sex one. Obviously I'm not yet in my thirties or beyond so I can't exactly compare my then-and-now sex skills.


As long as the guys here are intelligent enough to admit that not all younger women are after materialistic things, then fine. Like I said before, I'm sorry if you guys have dealt with less than stellar women, but grouping all of us together like that is, really, just stupid. It's funny, in a sad way, that it's so hard for someone to believe that a person can actually fall for someone older, without having any sort of daddy complexes or money hunger.


Why is it hard? It's the truth. I am not doubting your ability to fall for someone much older. Damn, it happens all the times. What I am emphasizing is the limitations some women put on themselves. For example I hear this one alot: "I only date MUCH older men because they are more mature". Which is entirely BS. I know plenty of mature young guys, as well as immature OLDER men. So, I have to ask myself, what the nature of their intentions are.


90% of the time, it is a daddy issue or a financial issue. I have never met an age/gap couple where the OLDER man wasn't successful.

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Why is it hard? It's the truth. I am not doubting your ability to fall for someone much older. Damn, it happens all the times. What I am emphasizing is the limitations some women put on themselves. For example I hear this one alot: "I only date MUCH older men because they are more mature". Which is entirely BS. I know plenty of mature young guys, as well as immature OLDER men. So, I have to ask myself, what the nature of their intentions are.


90% of the time, it is a daddy issue or a financial issue. I have never met an age/gap couple where the OLDER man wasn't successful.


I do agree with you that it's complete bull for women to say they only date older men for the maturity thing. I actually think I'm more mature than my boyfriend, and I'm the younger one. But maybe that's not always the case. You're right that there are lots of mature young guys and immature older guys, and I do know that women shouldn't limit the men they date just based on age. I just hate when other people generalize and say that ALL younger women are only after the money or daddy figure thing.

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I do agree with you that it's complete bull for women to say they only date older men for the maturity thing. I actually think I'm more mature than my boyfriend, and I'm the younger one. But maybe that's not always the case. You're right that there are lots of mature young guys and immature older guys, and I do know that women shouldn't limit the men they date just based on age. I just hate when other people generalize and say that ALL younger women are only after the money or daddy figure thing.


I won't say ALL women. But I will say MOST women.

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Kiddo? I'm a year younger that you buckaroo.


You reap what you sew, maybe you make shallow choices about women and get shallow women as a result.


So we are gonna play the straw mans game? I have made shallow choices, as well as positive ones. I know whats out there. I know women. And I know how to get what I want. No shame in that sweetheart.

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CamGuy, I like you...We should be friends



Most men who actually understand the general concept of sexual intercourse know that women younger than 30 are God AWFUL at sex. They just expect to sit there and take it, and receive all the pleasure, while older women know how to paralell a man in the bedroom.


Plus, younger women only have sex with their older boyfriends so they can get that nice shiny necklace they saw on a commercial. Younger women (or women in general) are always expecting to be taken care of and provided for by a man, something that men are not on this earth to do.


I have to agree! I knew just about nothing about sex when I was 18! I'm so very much better at it now.


What I find so hilarious is how older men talk about the hot sex they are having with teens and early 20s girls. Really, how hot could it be? What he really means is he is impressed by her young hot body and how cool it makes him appear to his peers.


What also is hilarious is for an immature young girl to talk about how she likes older guys because they are so much more mature. What she means is he has a mature wallet and is impressed by him.

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Sorry girls but I have to also agree with the guys here.


I am WOMAN in my early thirties. I thought I was pretty good at sex in my twenties too, that is until I turned thirty and realised how it should really be. My husband has never been happier.


I also agree that alot of women in their twenties are after tangible things and that's why they like older men.


I agree. When I was 18, I thought I was all that and sooo mature. lol When these girls reach their 30s, 40s, they'll realise how immature and silly they were. Not an insult at all. I was that at their age too.

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awww. Am i getting to you again CB? We've been down this road before.


Maybe she just doesn't believe in making nice with someone simply to prove that women aren't the diabolical, scheming wenches he thinks they are.


Raging misogyny manifests itself in some pretty unattractive ways, friend. Might want to take a look at that some day. Fear of what one doesn't understand/relate to is usually the culprit behind any bias and prejudice one finds in the world. Wouldn't it require more inner strength to actually face those fears rather than tie them all up in one neatly packaged bias or prejudice (or as I like to call it: a shortcut to actual thinking)?

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