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What's your age gap?


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i came thisclose to having a 17.5 year (41/24 or so) AGR once but she choked. one reason (of many) that it didn't happen was that it was too wide a disparity for her comfort. personally, i thought we got along well as total equals. even liked the same music and tv shows, oh well...


btw, wouldn't a more politically correct term than "age gap" be "natal proximity factor"?

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I have learned a lot from him. I feel like he doesn't get the whole I am young I like the little things, notes flowers and I love yous mean a lot to me. Do you think there is no hope


By the following statement it's like suggesting you don't really know the concept of a relation yet and maybe you're not really ready but mistakenly think you are (that's normal, it happens when you're that young). Another guess is what you're experiencing now is infatuation, not love.


Is this your first relation by the way?

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  • 3 weeks later...

is 8 years a lot? im 24 and he is 32? to him its alrigith though i know that he tends to think that i will leave him if i get better than him.. tome, well i dnt know , but i dnt find any reason to leavehim. he is serious committed and loving to me and he isnt the type looking for a lay.... we havent got anywhere physical till now...already one month we dating....

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My current boyfriend is 13, and I'm 16..


But he acts older so I don't really pay attention to that, haha.


Our friends make fun of us, saying that if we had sex his dad could sue me.



I WAS in a.. not a relationship.. but a "thing", though, with a guy who was 18 when I was 15.

We're still good friends, though

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My current boyfriend is 13, and I'm 16..


But he acts older so I don't really pay attention to that, haha.


Our friends make fun of us, saying that if we had sex his dad could sue me.



I WAS in a.. not a relationship.. but a "thing", though, with a guy who was 18 when I was 15.

We're still good friends, though

I don't know the laws of your state, but in many states having sex with your guy being under 16 might get you into serious legal troubles.


Like maybe prison. Getting sued is not a concern. Prison might be.


I suggest you learn the laws of your state and DON'T even consider sex until you do.


I'd hate for you to get in trouble.


I once had a 19 year old neighbor who got 2 years in state prison for sexing his 17 year old girlfriend. This really happened. The guy was psychologically ruined for life. His case and others like it are why they added a close-age exception in my state.


The age of consent in my state is 18 without parental consent, or 16 with the consent of one or more parents (better be in writing). They later added exceptions for when the young people are within 5 years of same age. However, many or most states do not have these similar-age exceptions.


Please be careful. You don't want to ruin your life. Also, you don't want to get pregnant either.


I'd really suggest you see a councelor in your state for advice.


You should also just consider abstinance. It won't kill either of you to wait.


Please be safe and stay out of trouble. -Charley

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Oh don't worry. We're not going to have sex.

I'm not even close to ready for that yet.

Our age consent age is 14, here, but if you're over 18 you can't be with anyone under 18.


Both are technically illegal, but I'm still a virgin. I never had sex with either of them so I can;t get in trouble.

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I am 38 he his 27 after 11 month of living in paradise and creasy in love with each other, one day out of the blue he said "he is not into me anymore", I know his mum was worry that we spend much time together (she did not know about our affair) but wonder if (for him) age difference was a problem?????

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I am 38 he his 27 after 11 month of living in paradise and creasy in love with each other, one day out of the blue he said "he is not into me anymore", I know his mum was worry that we spend much time together (she did not know about our affair) but wonder if (for him) age difference was a problem?????

Hi dalia,


Welcome to eNotAlone


I Suggest you please start your thread in Age gap relations forum. Please tell your story and you will get useful feedback.

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ciberthing...is new for me, so I am not yet very confortable about telling my story... I only read what everybody has to say, + my english is not that great I am french....but thank-you for welcoming me

Hey, I like french cognac, ++


You are welcome to excercise english here.


Reading is good, take your time, we always will be here for you.

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I'm older by 8 months.

I guess I win for having the smallest "gap". lol


My boyfriend says before he was born, he talked to God and begged him to give him someone special... someone he will truly love for the rest of his life. And God made him be conceived the day I was brought into this world, and was born 8 months later. Isn't that cute?

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I turned 20 in April, and my boyfriend just truned 27 this month. Everyone thought we wouldn't work out because of the age gap.. But, we have been dating for 3 years now. It doesn't seem to be that big of an age gap now that I have read most of your guy's post.. LOL

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