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oh my god where do i start!


all am after here is a just a few tips and quick advice.


me and my gf were at a party last night and we only been together 3 weeks! she is 15 am 17. we were both pretty damn drunk n one thing led to another. and i "took" her i asked her about 15 times if she was sure, i wasnt so sure and after about 2 hours of her litrally begging me, i did the deed


now its a new day, i just got off the phone to her, and somehow her mum has mum has found out and gone f'in mental, basically if we dont split up, she is going to the police to get me done. i dunno what to do, i new the girl for AGGGES but i really do i like her i dont want to split up, but at the same time i dont want to get done by the police etc. just anyone with any advice please.

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Break up.. man your 17, you get the police involved and your spending many year in prison for rape or whatever they want to charge you with. Think about it... be smart.. its only A girl and she is ONLY 15. If you want to let things work out with you then back away now and maybe sometime in the future you two can hook up. Don't screw yourself, back away.

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Wow, this is a problem. Well first she's underage. That can be a problem. It would been worse if you were an adult. You shouldn't have had sex, if she did want it. You were both drunk, right? That still wasn't good. I suggest not neccesarily breaking off, but take a break. Let things cool down before trying to get into a relationship with her again. Things are messy, and you don't want to make them worse. Good luck! You'll need it.

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Oh that sucks. You both made a mistake and you've been given an out. So take it and break up. Yes it sucks, yes it's hard but like the others have said you can always get back together after things simmer down.



BTW the pic of you and your sister is really cute. Glad you explained it in your signature.

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ahh another fun 24 hours in my life have gone by...


the girls mum txt me last nite, said how she was ashamed, how she cud never eveer trust us 2 again, and just stay away.


i rang her, n we talked for about 10 mins, no shoutin or anything just talked, explained my side etc, said i would end stuf with her daughter, i was going to ring her, as i am not aloud to see her, but i woke up to a text the smornin of her mum, sayin i can see her one last time to explain to her face etc, but dont get any ideas, all she wants is for her to be happy.


so i meet her this afternoon, n she was bad, all upset n just cudnt stop crying. it was really horrible for me to watch that, i feel alot for her, actually had me in tears at one point.


so we said goodbye n that was the HARDEST thing i have ever done i dont cry for anyone, but i sure did for her.


i text her mum back, and said i saw her and let her know i did as she asked. exchanged a few more texts and i really pleaded with her to just let it run its course, the main bit was


"after she is grounded can i just please see her again, i really care for her, she was happy before all this happened, she was happy yesterday until you found out, now she isnt"


she sent a few more back, but her mum said "i'll think about it because i hate seein her unhappy"


i thought we were gettin somewhere finally.


then zoe has just text me and sed her mum only said that becuase she wants & expects zoe to be over me by the time she is no longer grounded.


so now were doin a one month NC thing. it sucks i dont wanna do that or anything but, i just want her and her mum to TRY and get back to how they were

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march sometime


Jumped into bed not even knowing when she was legally allowed to - is drink the excuse?


You should be able to see her mother's point of view and your pain is only a reflection of foolish behaviour.


It will hurt - but it doesn't hurt half as much as what a jail sentence would have done to you.


There's the undiluted truth.

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her birthday is actualy may


its quit crazy how things are turning out, i as just lyin there before and i got a phone call off of her mum i nearly had a heart attack i cud tell that she was walking ans zoe only lives a 1 minute walk away! i hadnt and havnt planned to tell my mum yet and thats what i thought she was coming for, instead i was greated with "hiya danny, are you ok if u free can i talk to you please"

i was still pretty groogy but went up n met her on th park n well it helped me out alot we talked, well she vented i listend, no shouting or anything from either of us


basically her mum can see how much zoe likes me, and she can see that i really like her, becuase i could have so easily just done the deed and never saw her again, never took her to the doctors today, never rang her (mum) last night and talked to her, n she is actually really happy that i have done all that. so she has asked that me n zoe spend a month apart.. no contact, text/msn/ anything and if we still really want to be together then she will allow us to be together but it wont be like last time she will be watchig us like a hawk until we can build her trust up. so its not goingt o be easy but me n zoe both wanna so we gotta wait 31 days!!!

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