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hey i need advice please


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I remember back when I was in high school I had a huge crush on this girl. I could never find a reason to go up and introduce myself. Actually I still find myself in those situations now when I go to a bar or some other social setting. The only difference is that it got a lot easier to overcome over time.


Since you already know this girl and you have "played around" before (I assume that means that you two are flirtatious with each other) then it should be slightly easier since you don't have to "break the ice" anymore.


Just keep in mind two things:


1. Get rid of the fear that your life will end if your conversation does not go as planned.


2. Don't get all serious on her... keep things simple and fun. You are not in love. Women freak out if they think that you are too attached too soon.


I have some success stories that I could make a movie about and then again I have more failures that would make you cry. Through it all, I'm still breathing... so you can do this!

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