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Friend cant let go

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quick rant on my part.


My friend (female) is driving me crazy cause she cant let go of her ex boyfriend. I have been very patient with her and tried to listen and let her make her own choices but ... damn! I feel like knocking some sense into her. her ex not only left her for another girl, but moved out with her. put spyware on her computer to keep tabs on her. Omg this guy is a butthead.


I am just tired and i think she really has burned me out. I simply am tired of telling her i told you so, and you should have listened to me. It has come to bother me so much that i am willing to just end this friendship and not put up with this parC anymore.


Thanks i needed to rant on that one. =)

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I have had situations like this with friends and acquaintances. Especially one case where a friend, no matter how horrible the guy was and brutal in the way of breaking up, if he felt he needed someone and asked her she would of said yes without hesistation no matter how bad she knew he would treat her and the fact that it just wouldn't last.


For me, you can support a person, comfort them in what happened and given guidance to only a certain extent. I'm extremely patient in most cases, but eventually even things like this if they go on for too long can hurt ones tolerance level.


It depends just how long she has been leaning on you for support and still wanting him, some people are slower than others about getting over breakups. By the sounds you've expressed your opinion and she goes on. She might be a person who enjoys the attention and thinks that if she continues complaining you'll be there to comfort her and in otherwords you're her support beam.


What you might consider is a brief time off type, if you have other friends have an outing with one of them or so, or have an outing as a group to discourage her leeching onto you about problems. She probably needs to get out and be social and feel independence again (Possibly clingy?) Show your support but don't allow her to use you as a single source, encourage her to get a life so to speak. This will help her bounce back and hopefully find someone else to replace the memory with.

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I have a friend who did that. They couldn't deal with one of their friends forgetting an event. So, they severed all ties. It can be very stupid. People can destroy friendships over the stupist of things. I suggest this, if it gets any worse, then break it. But try to be there for her. I'm sure she'll stop in time. Good luck.

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I think i will confront my friend about how i feel about it. Although she might not like hearing that she has started to rattle my nerves. i would rather her know how i feel about it, instead of ending a good friendship. but i guess all i can really do about it in the end is, just be there for her. can anyone tell me why attractive females are the worse with butthead guys?



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