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is it love?

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I have a friend i have known for 9 years. She is one of my best friends i know. But recently i have gotten attracted to her and have started thinking that I would die before letting anything hurt her. I would help her in anyway that i could and when i see her upset I feel upset and want to comfort her. Is it love or just a crush?

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hi, well u dont really talk much about the way u feel about her...but i personally think shes just a friend. Youve just gotten to know her soo well, and to look out for her, it just sounds like shes your baby sister, or a relative. If it is love, i think u should deffinately see what she feels. I still think its more of a family love and not a marriage love. I love my sister and i would NEVER let anyone hurt her, but that doesnt mean im IN love with her. hope i helped bye!

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But recently i have gotten attracted to her and have started thinking that I would die before letting anything hurt her.


unfortunately, the above feelings are frequently present in a crush or infatuation. You see my friend, what I have learned is that you can only say you "love" someone after you have spent a significant ammount of time with them in the context of a reciprocative relationship. I would say that you're situation ismore likely this:


Having known her for 9 years, having grown older and more perceptive to female looks, you begin to find her attractive. The feelings of protectiveness may quite likely be the offspring of your friendship with her and your new found physical attraction to her.


If you don't know if you love them or not - you probably don't.


extreme though this may be (and believe me, realizing this about yourself can be one tough mother of a bullet to bit) it is nonetheless an important point. you must learn to reckognize the difference between physical attraction and genuine "love" and the lines between the two can seem as blurry as 20/400 vision.

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