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I need advice about a girl. Thanks


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I am 16 about to be 17. There is this girl I like, I think she is about 13 or 14. I know its weird for me to like a girl that is 3 to 4 years younger than me, but I just do. I don't really know her, but she is pretty. I can't seem to muster up the courage to talk to her. Any advice? thanks

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I'm 23 and I like a girl who's 19.


In today's culture however, a 19/23 relationship is generally more accepted than a 17/14 relationship. At least from what I've heard.


Now for the advice, which applies accross age barriers:


You just have to approach her one day and say something like: "Hi, I've seen you around a lot but I don't think I've formally introduced my self. My name's (blah).


That should do for starters. And even though peoole are different in high school, the same tactics should work out for you



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Now for the advice, which applies accross age barriers:


You just have to approach her one day and say something like: "Hi, I've seen you around a lot but I don't think I've formally introduced my self. My name's (blah).


That should do for starters. And even though peoole are different in high school, the same tactics should work out for you




yep . . . i agree , this tactic does work better on older women from what i've heard ( can't say experienced , because i never asked any 13 year old girls out . . . recentely ) .

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Whoa buddy...


I don't really know her, but she is pretty.


Get to know her first before deciding that you like her. You're attracted to her, but how can you like her yet? And in order to get know her, you're just going to have to get over it and give it a shot. That's what we all do. Suck it up and approach.

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Get to know her first before deciding that you like her. You're attracted to her, but how can you like her yet?


A very important, albeit hard lesson to learn. Well said, well said. What the original poster needs to realize is that, physical attraction is how we are generally first drawn to people. And there isnt anything wrong with that. What you have to understand is the distinction between liking someone and finding someone attractive. And unfortunately, you can't know if you like someone, until you've spent some time, interacting with them in a casual, non-relationship way. Its okay to drop hints because, by hanging out with her and asking her about herself, you will be subtley letting her know you're interested. Don't be concerned with how long it takes OR whether it turns out in your favor. You may discover (and it may be a hard thing to accept) that infact, the two of you don't have a whole lot in common and while she really is a nice, cute girl, that if you became involved with her it wouldn't be as special as it could be with the right person.


Points in case:


1. Get to know her well, that is her likes and dislikes, her hobbies and interests, BEFORE fixating on her in your mind


2. DO spend casual time with her but don't be pushy about it. If she says she isn't free on the afternnoon or morning you ask to hang out/have coffee, don't let that stop you. Casually suggest another time and when she says yes or maybe, leave it at that until the day or the day before the tentative meeting.


3. Do sit next to her in class, even if you don't talk alot, or very much at all, getting physically closer to her will help ease whatever tension there may be


4. Do interact with other people, her friends and just any other people on a casual basis. This will help get your name and face out there which will help you connect with her and other students


5. Remember that it will take time to get up to a comfortable level of interaction with girls you're interested in and even more time still before anything actually develops.


6. Patience is a virtue and with baby steps, you'll make noticeable progress

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She is too young for action Caldus, and no matter what the age whether she is my age, a few years younger or older I would get to know someone for a long time Before I did that. Also I may not go after this girl. She really is too young for me, and also I bet her parents would not let her date someone who is about to be 17 years old, when she is 13 or 14

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my then 15 year old friend ( who is a day younger than me) was going out with a guy who was nearly 19, so this dosent phase me much! i mean now she is 16 she considers guys about 20 ok to go out with so i dont think the age difference matters too much, depending on how mature the person is. that and the whole you could be breaking the law if you want sex thing though.

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