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Love and lust


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Men are no different than women and are happy when they feel loved for who they are, happy, safe, secure. I think both men and women both can fall into "lust" and sometimes be blinded by it, but neither will be able to create a happy, satisfying "forever" without love.


Love is definitely important in a long term relationship, lust is not what will help you communicate, grow together, live together, get through the great times and the not-so-great times.


However, "lust" in a way is still important in a loving relationship, actually more specifically intimacy, attraction, sexual compatibility.


But a long term relationship with only lust I am sorry to say probably won't last so long term, or be mutually satisfying and beneficial.


I honestly am confused about why you ask what the difference is, maybe because of your age, I am not sure. "Llust" by its definition is what attracts us to a person, and gives the base for creating something more from it, or on the other hand NOT creating more from it if there is no substance. Love on the other hand is developed over time through shared experiences, it is felt far deeper, it is both emotion and action, it is compassion, connection, communication, togetherness. True love reaches and touches us far deeper than lust.

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why do people make love, and not make 'lust'?


Because in the US especially we try to make sex something taboo and saying "make love" buts a nice warm blanket over the issue and gives it a bottle of milk. Actually, you can call it whatever you want. Personally I think that relationships built on lust arent built to last. I will say however that what first attracts a person to another...wait for it (and lets be hones here folks)...is looks. thereforeeee, physical attributes and consequently, a feeling of lust.

Love takes time to build, a person who has a crush on someone else can't possibly know if they "love" the person, nor for that matter "like" tha person until they have spent a great deal of time with the apple of their eye. All it is at first, no matter how long we quantify "at first" to be, is lust.


Now, to the nature of men vs women, I'm sure there are both men and women out there of all ages who have more lustful intentions than intentions based on love. I actually think part of the problem in college relationships, (not that its bad or anything, I just don't agrre with it) is the prevalence of casual sex between people. And I'm talking about both one night stands and flash-bang relationships where people have sex within a week after getting involved with one another. I'm not like that and so, for me, love is not only more important, it means everything.


However, "lust" in a way is still important in a loving relationship, actually more specifically intimacy, attraction, sexual compatibility.


this is true, sex and intimacy are important parts of a relationship, but as far as Im concerned, sex isnt something you throw around and have without thinking about and making sure its what both people want

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