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Should I stay with him?

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I have been with my boyfriend for 6 months, and I have strong feelings for him. He was recenlty made redundant because of circumstances beyond his control and is now looking for work. I found out yesterday that he is applying for interstate positions. I am applying for honous year next year and he knows I cant really go anywhere soon.

Should I assume that he dosent value our relationship if he is that willing to move interstate for work? There are plenty of jobs here for him.

I aksed him about this and he replied ' lets cross our bridges when we come to them'. Do you think this is a good enough reason to call it off?

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There has been three choices my fiance made that at the time I said there was no way I could deal with them. I honestly told him that I thought I would have to break up with him if he made these choices. I was not threatening this, I was just simply telling him because I honestly thought I couldnt deal with it.


Everything has turned out fantastic. His most recent choice was to join the Canadian Forces. I cried and cried, and couldnt believe he could really do this to us. For me, it meant BREAK UP! He was going to be gone for so long! I dont want to move far away from my family either. If I went with him, this also slighty messes up my chances of getting the job I want...


Well, he still applied and assured me it was the only choice for him if he wanted to have a good career making good money. He said he wanted to make a good life for us. What made it easier was he said he wanted me to come along after bootcamp, I was much happier about that. He is in his 3rd week of Bootcamp and we are getting married in 9 months. After this he goes for 54 weeks of training and now I wont be able to come until March 2006 because I may have a good job offer. I am doing fine, and lucky for me, he is 4 hours away and will be coming home every weekend in another 2 weeks.


What I am trying to say (sorry so long) is things DO work out.. stick it out.. see how it goes! I got through his other two choices when I thought there was no way it could work!

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