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I decided.......just friends

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ok so if you read my last post it was about Luke....he is amazing in every possible way, and I do care about him. Its just I dont want to end up hurting him in the future, because I do stupid things. I dont trust myself one bit and I dont want to hurt Luke and have him hating me, so we decided to just stay friends. Which im ok with that, because if you care about someone truly youd do anything to see them happy, and I know in the beginning I could treat Luke good, but what about on the long road. I could never hurt him intentonally....but I know I would. I am kinda hurt because I wanted us to get together, like I said he is amazing but if it was ment to be we'll end up together either way and if not I know out of all this I met a great friend and for that im thankful. I just wanted to say my feelings and I want to know if what im doing sounds right...?

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This seems sadly fatalistic. How do you know you would hurt him? If you care about him as much as you seem to, why would you hurt him? How about using this as a positive opportunity to try and see if you can manage it without hurting him? If you always believe you'll fail, you'll never try anything. Maybe you will hurt him, but we've all been hurt, me included, but we live to tell the tale, and we're often stronger for the experience. I wouldn't give up any of the relationships I've been in where I've ended up getting hurt, and I imagine he wouldn't want to, or want you to, either. You have an opportunity here, it sounds like. What will you do? Run, or fight? I can tell you from experience, running seems attractive at the time, but leads to nothing but regrets down the road.

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Karvala has a point. but you are damned if you do and you are damned if you dont. I prefer knowing i the latter. Cause at least i know i decided to go for it.


Hurtwou.... If you acknowledge that you might end up hurting luke, just remember that we are all here to hear you out and give you advice. if you two become serious you should consider some professional counseling. you are hurting yourself right now because you are scared about something you have control over.


its nice that you are thinking about the future and stuff, but are you willing to live with the regret of never going through with it? What do you think is worse??? To go for it or to leave it at that and always wonder ...


Your choice. but whatever choice you make... believe it and live it. =)

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