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Talking more often and creating attraction


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I'm sort of reposting this in a way because of the lack of responces in my last post.




The first said this "Okay, so this is simple enough. I really like this girl who's a senior (I'm a sophmore, which I think is my only obstacle in this, sadly). I liked her last year but we never talked. Well this year I have a class with her so I get to see her everyday, and that's cool and whatnot. Well anyway last night we were talking on AIM for the first time, and it was pretty much just all small talk crap, which I'm not a fan of, but at least we were talking for the first time, so I was happy anyway. So today she said hi to me and waved, which was cool as well.


Anyway my question is, what sort of things can I talk to her about so there's more than just small talk going on about stupid crap at school and stuff like that. Should I give her my phone number? Any tips on bringing the conversation into school rather than just online? Should I perhaps give her a few subtle hints to let her know I like her (in a casual way of course)? How can I keep conversations going so I can get to know her more and maybe let her know I like her when the time comes.


oh, and by the way, she thinks I'm "cute", I'm not sure if that's an advantage, or a disadvantage..."


Since then we have not talked, but she has told a mutual friend of ours that she thinks I'm "really cool"


Also, It's been established that my being younger than her doesn't matter much. Any advice would be welcomed as I'll probably talk to her soon.


I haven't given her my phone number yet, and my friends today were telling me I should just walk up and start talking to her.. I'm not sure what to do. I wouldn't really know what to say, but I'd more confortable talking to her on the phone first.


Edit: Homecoming is coming soon too, this could potentially bring up some possibilities if we start talking.

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Play it cool man, its all good. Youve got a class with this girl, your talking to her more - its butter. You dont even need any advice here, just keep doing what your doing.


I love small talk, I use to hate it. Nowadays it always develops into something more. Use small talk to make her feel comfortable with you and show off your sense of humor and awesome personality. As time goes on shell mention something more 'important'. Encourage it by taking it seriously and really listening. Then shell never stop talking to you.


Let it brew man, thats my advice. There doesnt seem to be a need to make a huge effort. Youve got her on aim and in school. If all goes well eventually youll hangout on the weekends or somethin man.

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Trust me dude, that she thinks you are cute is definitely a good thing. Now to get to the meat of the situation, That she doesnt mind you're younger certainly takes out one obstacle. If you drive, then taking her for a coffee is a good way to start. Talk to her about her interests outside of school. Talk to her about her plans for college. Talk to her about her life goals. You could give her your number, but don't drop any obvious hints yet, in fact, chatting with her more often and asking her for a coffee may be enough of a hint in itself. Although you should remember to keep the coffee as a 'get to know you better' sort of thing, albeit a 'get to know you better' sort of thing which will act as a building block for something more. you got to go out and grab the bull by the horns because A: girls like confidence and B: you'll never know if you don't try.




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hey there. maybe you can offer to study with her when it comes to exams. small talk is ok, i personally don't mind it, i think it allows me to warm up to someone and get to know the person a bit better. then it leads to more meaningful conversations. i used to bartend and small talk was a way to break the ice, build a rapport with my customers then eventually they became my regulars. then we got to know each other on a more personal level. you gotta start somewhere. take your time and really get to know her. i would compliment her on stuff, like a shirt she was wearing, they way she styled her that day, stuff like that. play it cool and don't come on too strong, i used to shy away from dudes that did that. you might want to mention homecoming and casually ask her if she has any plans and suggest she can go with you. just take your time and enjoy getting to know her. women love it when you notice little things. good luck and wishing you the best.

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school talk is sooooooooo boring...i can passout....listening to that lol. but anywayss why dont u talk bout hmmm what does she like to do on free time. then start talking bout what happened on the news...or whats the craziest thing happened to her, or happened to you..or ask her what does she looking in a guy....i dunno get her opinion on things make her feel like your are really listenning...and she matters.

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Definitely talk - just from my personal experience and preference, make sure that yuo ask her a lot of questions about her to show that you are interested in her as a person. My biggest pet peeve is when guys come up to talk to me and all they can say is stuff about how I look or whatever. I mean, it is nice to give her a compliment about how she looks but maybe ask her more stuff about what she wants to do after high school, what her hobbies are, etc.

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