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Is she pregnant?


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hum you guys are not being carefull, if you can't agree on a method I don't think you should have sex because of circumstances like this..

if you came in her while she was ovulating. yes she could be pregnant.

and she should take the test if she misses her period , cause if she takes it now and it turns out negative she could still be pregant cause its too early to tell. take the test first thing in the morning if she misses her period.

take care and please be carefull


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You know that when you don't use a condom that you don't need to ejaculate inside of her to get her pregnant. All it takes is one sperm especially if your excited before the sex happens and the moment you enter her she could get pregnant. It doesn't take much plus what about STD's no condom that's not being careful. Think about your health too. I also agree with everyone else chances are she is pregnant.

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Oh boy, chances are VERY good she is pregnant. You do not even have to actually cum for her to get pregnant, sperm are sometimes remaining in the urethra and can come out with precum. Ejaculation just increases your odds even more.


While her symptoms COULD be PMS, they are equally as likely due to your risky behaviours to be pregnancy - even her being ill can indicate pregnancy - you don't throw up when you have strep throat (and I say this as someone who has had it MANY times myself). A different discharge is also a sign as the cervix prepares itself for pregnancy, and sore breasts while can be PMS, are also related to pregnancy as hormones are increasing.


Hate to break it to you, but the chances are quite high by the sounds of it, you were both engaging in EXTREMELY risky behaviour and were lacking responsibility in this regard. Why did she insist on unprotected sex, and why did you go along with it? You are both responsible for your behaviours and the consequences of your actions. When is her period due? Once she is a day before or after it is supposed to come, she should take a test. If its negative but period still does not come, she should take another one a few days after missed period either at home or doctor (she will have to go to doctor anyway if its positive). If it is all negative, consider yourselves very lucky and use protection EVERY time. It only takes one sperm you know.

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