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I think I might have depression....

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Just got back from the Doctors and the Doctor has said by the test scores I have major depression. I'm gald i am finally getting help I have been so depressed for so long, that I don't know what it's like to be happy or to function properly. But I've finally taken that first step and asked for help. Things can only get better from here right? I sure hope so.

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Just got back from the Doctors and the Doctor has said by the test scores I have major depression. I'm gald i am finally getting help I have been so depressed for so long, that I don't know what it's like to be happy or to function properly. But I've finally taken that first step and asked for help. Things can only get better from here right? I sure hope so.



Im bipolar and trust me it feels great after awhile when u feel better and function normally it makes u feel so happy and like you were when u didnt have the problems with it.Only one piece of advice i have to give u.It sometimes takes awhile to get the right kind of medication for people for depression.My first made me very manic and made the downs even worse.So if you feel like your first is not working after awhile then u should insist on a new medication.What i did and my next worked.And i wish u luck on your way towards feeling normal and happier.

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