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I care about him...but as what?


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I am so confused right now. I met the nicest guy ever Luke. He is just amazing.....I havent known him long but he wants to get to know me better and see if there is any chance of us getting together. He doesnt like jumping into things and I respect him for it. We had a talk today and he told me he hopes things work out and in the future we could go out, but just in case we dont get together he told me he will always be there for me. If I want to talk he'll be there and if I want to chill to call him. He told me if we do get together hes not gonna have sex with me, since hes still a virgin and hes looking for that right girl he loves. I totally understand and I respect his thoughts. Now heres the thing, I care about him and I like him, but i dont know if I want to be with him and chance us hating each other in the end. I am so confused right now my head is spinning. He told me to tell him if I just want to be good friends or if I maybe want something in the future and thats the thing. I mean I really dont things will change if we go out, because we already chill alot and go out to eat....but maybe I like the thought of being known as Lukes girl. I never had this happen to me before and im confused.....help me

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Well if you like him and want to try being closer to him than just friends, then by all means you should go for it. If you really are interested and he is genuinely interested too then that's special and doesn't happen very often. If you are unsure about how you feel though, don't rush into things. Remember "Fools rush in where wise men dare not go." So, think long and hard, but so hard that the opportunity passes you by and I wish you the best of luck




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Now heres the thing, I care about him and I like him, but i dont know if I want to be with him and chance us hating each other in the end


He sounds like a great guy and is worth the risk. And the two of you sounds like you get along well and could work out whatever differences may arise so that it doesn't ruin the friendship and you don't end up hating each other. Take things slow, just like he is saying. Whatever happens, things will work out for the best. If you don't take the chance, you'll end up regreting it later.

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