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Lulls in conversation?


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I finally hung out with this guy I've liked for months. I've known him through work for almost a year, but this is the first time I've hung out with him outside of work. We drank some wine and watched TV at his apartment for a long time, since we are both poor and can't really afford to go out.


Some of the times we had extended bouts of conversation, but then there'd be silent spaces. And really awkward ones. I am not usually tongue-tied! We were both sitting on his couch. Some times he would adjust and kind of lean away from me, and other times he'd lean towards me. When I first got there he gave me a hug, and we hugged when I left (although I think I screwed up a kiss moment because I was tired and started walking away, it was almost 4am).


I am a total dating novice. Is this normal for guys to not talk for a while? It wasn't like we were watching anything super interesting, it was mostly DVDs of TV shows he or I had already seen. The last time I spent an extended period of time alone with a guy, we talked like nonstop. But that guy is gay! I have little game and I don't think my guy has much either. Help please!

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Well, sometimes guys just arent very talkative and that doesnt mean they're not interested or anything. sometimes, we just don't know what to say and so, nothing gets said. A lot of times it depends on the mood, the setting, a whole bunch of different things. i wouldn't worry about it too much although communication is an important part of human intereaction and probably an important part of developing and keeping a relationship



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Yeah, like the above said, have some conversation topic starters ready next time, but pace them out. Don't fire them out all at once.


D'you know, I think some guys think by not being talkative it makes for less of a chance of "screwing the date up".


He may be a tad shy, so next time you sense a "kissing moment", please don't walk away!


all the best!!!

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Thanks guys!


If you spent a night watching TV with a girl you liked, would you make a move or not? I definitely think he's shy, but I *was* expecting a little something. He was dressed pretty nice and wore cologne, which I know he doesn't usually do. I'm a little confused. Neither of us have "game" as it were, so I'm kind of not surprised.


But I will definitely keep trying! I am planning to call him about going out to dinner this weekend. I'm pretty low-key so hanging out at home is cool, but I think actually doing something would give us more to talk about and maybe take the nervous edge off.

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I think making a move might depend on how the girl acts. So if you have two shy people it can be difficult. Your plan for the weekend sounds good.


If you want him to kiss you give off some signals that you want him to. Stand close to him, lots of touching, eye contact etc.

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