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Afraid to talk to this girl...


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Theres this girl I kind of like at school and ever since I met her 2 years ago, I've only spoken a few words to her becuase I was kind of scared to talk to her. I liked her 2 years ago but then I stopped liking her and now I started again but I'm just intimidated by her looks! I think she used to think I was weird but not anymore becuase there is not more akwardness between us anymore. Everytime I try to say something to her, I'm about to approach her but then I change my mine and I kick myself saying "What the hell do I have to lose?". How would I approach her and what topics would I start talking to her about because I have no clue what to say when I talk to her.

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start by saying hi and smiling. After that I'm sure you'll know what to talk about... Or at least I hope you do, cause I'm not very good at that... But I say you should go for it no matter what... I mean, we only live once and time waits for no man. So, whatever you plan on doing, do it ASAP. And don't put too much importance into it either... There you are, it's saturday night and you're thinking of this girl who right now probably forgot about your existence... If things don't go well, then it just wasn't meant to be... But relax dude, I'm sure you'll do fine. Just be yourself and be confident (trust me. Last time I was too nervous when talking to a girl, it didn't go well). Good luck, and I hope someone gives you better advice.

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