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How do you put yourself out there to meet someone?

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I've had a few guys in my life that I were considered my boyfriend. One of these was serious, a little over a year. Then, looking for love again there was Dave (i don't know if anybody reading this heard my story) but he is out of the picture indefinitely. Not important to go into detail.


I want to find somebody though and it's not that I am desperate I am just at the point where I broke up with my serious boyfriend such a long time ago that I've forgotten all the bad things about a relationship and I am back into only thinking about all the good things. It's such a terrible cycle, I am sure many people can relate to this.


Then you wonder why you got yourself into it in the first place.



Now I'm beginning to regret this post haha. Honestly though I am ready to put myself out there and begin new but I feel like I'm doing all the wrong things. I'm not going out of my way to call people or make plans and I know that if I don't act then nothing is going to happen (i can't expect guys to know what im thinking). So anyway what are signs or ways to let them know you're available and ready to take chances?


Or, better yet, what gets a guy's attention? What would make a guy WANT to come up and talk to a girl, get to know her. Aside from the obvious which is looks. Not to be vain but I don't think I am revolting or anything. So the amount of confidence I have I hope would get me somewhere.


I never flaunted my looks. I never wore particularly revealing clothes and I never threw myself at a guy physically but I am always comfortable with my words - whether that be telling the guy I like them, etc.


Ok this is a lot longer than I intended.




Basic point: What would make a guy look twice? What would make a guy go out of his way to talk to you?


Thank you so much in advance! Sorry that this is so long! I'm not reading over it so I probably made a million typos and was babbling!!!!

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OK, first you get a big sign, and in big letters you write, "I'M AVAILABLE, Come Get ME"...............ok, all fooling aside


Just be yourself thats all, why the hurry? do stuff you like in regular life, and someone thats around you that likes the same things will notice you in the way it counts.


Your looking for quantity instead of quality, thats where you may have gone bad in past relationships, getting guys same way you did in the past will most likely attract the same kind of guys.


Just go out and do your own thing, be yourself, and it will happen, and if you get some nibbles, check whats on the line before you reel it in, if its not the right stuff (I'm not talking looks here) then learn to say no way and cut the line.


yeah sexy dresses and low cut tops may be good bait , but bait for the wrong fishy. be original and try personality.

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