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getting her out of her prude ways

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I went to the school dance yesterday and i met this one girl who i asked out and stuff, got to know her (for like, 10 minutes cause we met near the end), and i asked her if i could kiss her and she said no (when she was about to leave). then i was just hangin out with some friends for a few minutes and saw her and walked toward her and after a few minutes she started getting nervous (she said it was cause her mom wasn't there or something, but we're 14 y/o, so....) I walked outside with her (she started pacing and looked sort of nervous) and she was talking to her friend (still pacing) and I finally said goodnight to her (just a friendly hug and that was about it...) and went back in (and she's still pacing).


ne-ways, i don't know if i'm just jumping to conclusions, but is she a little prude? and if so, how could i change her (yeah, we just met, but still)?

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Seems reasonable instead of prude to me. Age is but one factor, and not necessarily a major one in this particular case. If you just asked her out to the dance and only had ten minutes, well, you can't really expect that much.


Some women would kiss on the first date, others its the third fourth fifth or so on. You need to accept her choice. Furthermore rushing won't help your case any. By the sounds of it too, you were making her quite nervous or something with that amount of pacing she did.


To dissect the "My mother isn't here yet." comment, depending on the particulars she may of been trying to cover up her nervousness or it may of been a "I need space" statement. That is a hard one to work with on this situation, but I used similar statements in my younger years to reach either point.


Anyhow, I personally wouldn't call it prudish. I would consider it sticking up for what she believes in, if she doesn't want to kiss, it just isn't going to fly to bother her about it repeatedly and force is entirely out of the question. When she is ready down the line she'll give enough ques and/or/both verbal and non-verbal that she is interested.

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