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sharing the poem i wrote for my son after he died..


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God sent an angel our way, one sunny day. We didn't know how long he'd stay, but he'd make an imprint on our hearts forever. He told us that his life would be special, and we'd have an experience unlike no other.


Although the angel couldn't stay, we got down on our knees to pray. Tears were shed and hearts were broke, but God called His angel back home. We can only hope and pray that one day we will reach God's golden throne.


Our angel is now in heaven, no more suffering or despair. He promised that if we would just believe, one day we'd meet him there. No words can amount to the love we had for him, but God loved him more than we can. He loves us all and will watch over us until the end.


RIP 8/3/04-2/13/05

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Oh, millaj I can not even begin to think of the sorrow you carry with you in your heart.


I will pray for you tonight, and I want to tell you how your poem touched my heart. Be strong, keep your faith, and I just know God will send you another little angel. Not to replace the first one, but to give you a new one, because he knows what a great mommy you would be one day.


You are in my thoughts.

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I'm so sorry. I watched my parents suffer the losses of their two sons (and suffered myself) and I know that it forever changes you. All I can say is that while you will never get over it, it will get easier and you will one day smile again, and one day laugh again. Eventually you might be able to remember your son in good way without the pain and tears that probably accompany all your memories of him. But it will take a long, long time. My mom's best advice to others mothers who have lost children is, "It's not about getting over the pain, it's about learning to live with it." Also while there are a million books out there the only one my mom said helped her, that she has (unfortunately) given to other parents is called, " A Broken Heart Still Beats". I hope maybe it helps you.


He will never be forgotten by those who loved him.

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You have my deepest sympathy. Just remember that there was a reason he came into your life.


He will always be your child.


I hope you are able to find peace and comfort. Have you been able to talk with any other parents for support? Sometimes it just helps to know that someone understands EXACTLY what you're going through.My husband and I are friends with a couple that recently lost their 7 year-old son to cancer. They have found great comfort in forming a support group with other parents who have had similar losses. They get together quartely and have church services in honor of their children. They don't focus on death- they celerate their lives.


I wish you light in this dark time,



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Thank you for your kind words - I think that it's getting better. I've been able to deal with my grief better this month. Also, because his headstone is finished and on his grave, maybe that helps too.


Kate, thanks for the book info, I will check into reading that.

Bella, I know your friends must be so terrified and sad.. my son was only 6 months old.. I think the longer they are in your life the harder it is, but there is not a measure.

Sonja, thank you.. I do want another baby, when the time is right and I am healed.. I think it will also help to heal me.


You ladies are great. I'm glad the poem touched you.

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