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Ok i just want to express myself in this forum....

i am turning 25 this year in a few days actually and i have been thinking about this year that went by, i had really bad luck with relatioships...


I mean whenever i meet a guy he's either interestined in one thing "SEX" or interested in my friend or i am not interested in them. but honestly i want to find my soulmate/ My other half that completes me..


And i think since i want it so bad i have been crushing on many guys lately but if he's not inetereseted than boom i move on to the next and it's just bad beacuse it's like i don't want to get to know them i just want to get in a relationship and i really need patience.. I know it's not sexual desires( sexual frustations) becasue i just finish a "friends with benefits" relatioship like 1-2 weeks ago and i finished it becasue it felt blahh!! it was good but just something was missing and it's that feeling that everyone calls"Love or even liking him more than just a friend"


So this year i hope to God that i will find myu soulmate , iam only human and at times to ffeel llike i do deserve to be with someoen who cares for me and vice versa...


there is this last guy i just meet a few days ago and just feell in love with him, but the most i did was to ask him to Dance a few salsa songs with me and that's it i didn't attempt to ask for his # or anything or even expect that he asked me for my # ii just left and he just said nice meeting you hope to see u again and i said yeah for sure .. and that's that i know i should keep my options open too but hey if he was intereseted in me he would of have made an attempt to ask for my # or something...


I meet him through his roomate and i went over cuz his roomate( the guy i was talking with) inviting me over for dinner so i don't know if the guy i feel in love with didn't do anything cuz he thought me and his roomate was interested in eachother, but GOd know's..


I know if it's meant to be it'll be...


it's just that there comes a point in life that you feel or get a bit Lonely and do want that special someone in your life even if it's not forever, even if it's 3-5 years u want to enjoy your time with them and give and receive Love..


We'll i hope there are some people out there who understand or even been through wat i am going through...


I am only human!!!

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Well, I haven't been through the same thing, and I'm only 19 so... I realized 6 moths ago that I had spent the last 10 years, having crush after crush on various girls. I realized I wanted to be in a relationship so badly (because I have never been in one) that I was acting desperate. I realized that what I had feared had become reality: That I wanted a relationship to feel accomplished, like everyone else. I've changed my viepoint and while I still would like to be in a relationship, I am more relaxed about it now. I fully understand the desire for companionship. Sometimes I just want someone to hold. It's lonely sometimes being single, but not having known the alternative, I can't say what that's like.

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Hey, I think I am going through the same thing right now too, and i definitely understand. Its kind of a hard time, i have no problem meeting guys, well, thats a lie, i dont' meet as many as i would like to, but just none of them seem right. And when they do seem right, they are not interested, or (as in my previous post) they have girlfriends. I wish I had some advice to offer, but just be patient, be outgoing, keep meeting guys and developing friendships (friendships are good too!) and one day it WILL happen. I'm in an even worse predicament cuz I have sooooo much pressure on me to marry a catholic guy. I kind of gave up on that though cuz all the young catholic boys i meet are married. Just finding A guy is hard enough.

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see because of this situation i am at iam becoming more and more cold and distant to people my self esttem is going low feeling as though something is wrong with me. ...


So by me feeeling so low about myself gives me nooooo motivation to meet people or even be outgoing, i don't smile anymore and if i do it's a surprise i use to make people laugh when they we;re down now it's the opposite my friemnds eventhink i am an inconseiderate person cuz i show no emotions. kind feelings towards them ...


i know io am not being scared to be alone.. see about 2 weeks ago i broke up with someon so if i was scared of being alone i would not have broken our relationship , any way it only lasted 1 month ...


so i really can't meet people cuz of my state right now...


my other needs to complete me , make me feel alive...


or maybe i need some healing to much hearbreaks in my past and i mean it was really bad heart breaks i still get mad about it when i think about them (bastards!!!)...


well i guess i have no choice but to take it one day at a time!!

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