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Purely for entertainment - guys, please don't get offended


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OK, yesterday I posted a poem that I found amongst a bunch of old stuff from high school (almost 10 years ago) and I found another one that I have held off on posting because I don't want to offend men! So before reading it, here is my VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED: I wrote this when I was 16 - I am not a man-hater/basher, nor do I believe this, but I thought it was funny that I wrote it so I wanted to share it for you to have a good laugh!! I don't even know how I came up with this because guys never asked me out in high school, nor did any of this really happen to me like that so it was probably my overactive dramatic imagination...so please don't get offended!!!


The Essense of Men (from a female (16 year old) perspective)

Men are all scum, they treat us like meat,

But threaten to leave - suddenly they're so sweet.

When we see a guy we say, "Oh what a cutie!"

When they see a girl they say, "Check out that booty!"

He'll tell you one thing; his best friend another -

And when he comes over he's sweet to your mother.

After that first date, you'll just want to sing...

But if you sit by the phone, don't expect it to ring.

He'll see you one night, he'll see her the next,

He'll leave you depressed, confused, and perplexed.

When you're alone, he's the world's greated lover,

But if his friends are around, he acts like your brother.

When guys get together, I swear they're insane!

They think it's a blast to call you mean names!

You may say "hi", but he won't say "hello"

Expect something more like, "Hey there's my ho!"

At school they don't know you - they won't wave in the halls

Guys have no brains, they think with their balls.

Why is it all right for a guy to "get around"?

If a girl does the same, her reputation goes down.

And why do we fall for it each and every time

They come up with some crude, new pick up line?

It's not like grade school when playing Red Rover -

Now it's, "No one's home, so hey, come on over!"

Guys can't be nice, it's un-macho they say

We could beg for romance and they might say, "OK"

But forget the flowers and the moonlight dance -

Watching TV's their idea of romance.

Guys jerk us around, they throw us a line,

They bring up our hopes, and crash them each time.

Men are all evil, they're jerks, and they're slime!

But hey, you gotta admit that they're REALLY FINE!!!

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