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HELP... what would you do.


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hi i am so messed up. i found my boyfriend in dating websites talking to girls and talking about hooking up with them , well he started doing this when i went away for a week, and i fould a letter to a girl saying how much he missed her and was going to leave me and go see her i am so hurt i am six months prego i dont know what to do. plzz any advise. sorry if the typing is not that good bad day.

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You are six months pregnant? And he is writing to other GIRLS (emphasize plural) saying that he is going to leave you? This is quite a problem. You need to talk to him about this and firmly. If he doesn't listen I would take it upon myself to write the girls that he is planning on playing next to warn them what a fake he is (at least you can try to save some one else from this irresponsible child). There is no reason for any human being who is not EVIL to pull a move like that. He made a choice and needs to take responsibility. This is not the time for him to be making lustful decisions. Tell him whose boss.

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What a scumbag!!! My sister was married with a child and her husband was doing the same things and she found out he was messing around on her. She said that she read some of his profiles on these dating sites and they were said that he was single with no kids. They are now divorced. My sister would not put up with his crap.


Frankly, I don't think any woman should. Nobody should have to put up with someone who is not committed and faithful to them. You are better than that and deserve someone who loves you and respects you. Your bf has demonstrated that he does not respect you by meeting other women online and carrying on with cheating.


I would have a talk with him. There is the possibility that he just may be more careful after doing these things so that you don't find out. Since you read that he told another girl that he would be leaving her for you, then I would consider ending the relationship.

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Nobody should have to put up with someone who is not committed and faithful to them. You are better than that and deserve someone who loves you and respects you. Your bf has demonstrated that he does not respect you by meeting other women online and carrying on with cheating.


I completely agree. I know what it's like to have a bf who is not that into you, and it hurts like you-know-what. Unfortunately, I don't think guys like that come around. I'm gonna be blunt here: Please, please, consider leaving him - for your sake and for the baby's sake. You deserve someone who will support you and treat you like a queen, not be "missing" some other chick. I mean, I'm pretty nearly outraged to hear this!


Go to your gf's for support. Hopefully, they'll help you get clear of this guy. Take care.

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