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I am guessing it probably does have something to do with how you look or dress. Really most guys at 17 or 18 plus are not really going to connect with 14 year-olds and if they try to will probably have ulterior motives.


I beg to differ...it was the other way around in one of my past situations.

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I'm not sure what you mean?


You said that 17-18 yr old guys hitting on 14 yr olds probably have ulterior motives...I said it was the other way around in my situation at one time...I was the 18 yr old, and a very mature acting 14 yr old girl was hitting on me and wanted to take it much further than it ever should have even gone. Just like said before tho...everything changes once a person is 'in' the situation and not looking at it from someone else's perspective.

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When I was 14, I looked older, and older guys, (teens, and guys in their 20s and 30s) were always hitting on me! Or yelling stuff at me when they were in their cars, driving by. Or, they'd try to come onto me when I was on the bus or at the mall....


Basically, they're just sleaze bags. (Well, actually, the guys who are 16 and 17, probably not if they go to your high school. When I was a sophmore, I was dating senior guys.)


But, the guys in their 20s and 30s... they're just gross. If they were mature and responsible, they could get a woman their own age, instead of preying on girls.


Stay away from the creeps!

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