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getting to know her better

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Okay, here's the situation. On Friday, a buddy of mine and I went over to the dorm we lived in last year. Upstairs, we met the Female RA. She's a junior and I'm a sophmore. We hung out for a few minutes and talked but then my friend and I left. This girl was in my french class two semesters ago and I realized last night that it would be cool to get to know more about her. And even though I had a couple of beers that night, they didn't make this decision for me.


Anyways, i sent her an email saying how it was fun talking with her. I did mention somewhere in the email.."maybe we could get coffee sometime. Not a direct question but just throwing it out there. She sent a reply back which essentially said it was nice talking with us too. I asked her for a screenname but she said she doesnt have internet in her room but is around campus alot and "I'm sure I'll see you plenty." I sent a reply back saying that that was cool and that I'm sure we'd see each other around campus. Then I said that if we didn't though, It would be great to grab a cup of coffee and get to know her better. this time, I think I made the question a little more direct.


I'm planning on just waiting for her to reply to that Email and then casually taking it from there. I know all about how to play coffee dates, that is, not make it about a date but about just getting to know her. But if anyone has any pointers or advice or just wants to add something, feel free with my thanks.



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