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If you love them you have to set them free right?


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Well...as in my previous posts...My fiance broke up with me about 3 weeks ago. We remained friends but I've learned that I can't take it anymore. I want back what we had so starting today....September 1st I'm going to go for 1 month with out initiating contact with him. 1 to hopefully make him miss me...2 to try to help me recover from the heartache. Of course I'll hang out with him and stuff and return his calls...but only if he is the one who is putting out the effort to stay in contact with me. You see this is the type of guy "Kevin" is... just last night I was having a bad day and I recently bought a motorcycle and didn't know how to ride so he came over to teach me and asked me to get off the bike and put my arms out like an airplane..(i know this may sound childish but this is why I love him) he is looking around like he is trying to measure me or something then walks up and gives me a hug. It was sooo sweet thats when I learned that I can't go on being friends with him. At least not now. I want to be more than friends I want to be his Fiance again. So if you guys have any advice on how to get him back and or how to stay strong and not bother him to give him the space he wants and needs. PLEASE HELP

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Stay busy. That's my best advice. I'm breaking up with someone who I don't want to break up with, but I have to test him and see if I was/am important to him. I've started doing the following:


1. taking new courses (dancing, music lessons)

2. going to the movies by myself when I need an escape from reality

3. writing HIM letters that I save on Microsoft Word

4. calling friends I haven't talked to in a while

5. calling family I haven't talked to lately

6. planning a fun vacation for next year

7. listening to music that lets me dance and just be silly

8. not talking about HIM to any of my friends, making the subject off limits

9. visiting enotalone.com!

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well really AT THIS POINT this is my advice to you: TRY TO MOVE ON. PRETEND THERE IS NO CHANCE IN HELL THAT YOU GUYS WILL GET BACK TOGETHER. you must lose all hope. even if he gives you reasons to think that MAYBEEE hes still interested. by losing this hope you will be able to move on a lil better: no what if questioning yourself no wondering what you couldve/shouldve. and definitely STAY BUSY in any way possible--start to realize that your life is sooo much more than just this guy. because in a relationship like that it might have been your everything. start moving forward. and yes you will have to do nc for awhile, later you can become friends, even get back together but there will have to be this separation period and it will killl as it heals lol. seriously. but just stay busy thats the BEST WAY not getting involved with a new person (which many people do) because you need time to see who you are now--this person has probaby changed you in some way. so just indulge in the positive aspects of being single right now and go wit hthe flow. if a guy does come into your life dont say no too quickly. embrace whatever comes your way but dont looook for someone new. just go with the flow and enjoy the fact that now you HAVE more time to do some thigns that you may not have done to spend a lil cuddling tiem with that person.

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