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It may be too early to tell since classes just started today. Anyways, I'm a second year student in college and last year, I didn't hit it off to well socially with soeme people. I have always been a black sheep of sorts, keeping to myself although I've wanted to be part of the "gang". So This year, I've been chatting up freshman and plan to do more of it. looking back, I seem to be doing better than last year. But, Freshman will have their niches and groups and people in my class already have developed theirs so, while Im sure I can be happy with it, I don't much like the feeling the many other people are having more fun thatn I am. Of course, this is just how I feel tonite. Once everything really gets going, I'm sure my demeanor will improve. But in the meantime, does anyone have any tips on overcoming disaffection?

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